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The Course Organizer Biology I Aug – May 2017 Course Standards:

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1 The Course Organizer Biology I Aug. 2016 – May 2017 Course Standards:
Teacher: Time: The Course Organizer Student: Course Dates: (How?) What? Value? This Course: Course Questions: is about Course Standards: Aug – May 2017 Mr. Deskins Biology I Tests: Critical Concepts (Unit Tests) pts. each and Relationships Terms & Processes (Chap. Tests) pts. each the study of living things and life processes. Daily Grades: * Labs (turn in write-ups) 10 – 40 pts. each Other Classwork / – 20 pts. each Homework (keep in notebook) Interactive Reader (daily check) pts. per day Interactive Reader (cumulative) pts. per chap. All Daily Grades added up & converted to 100 pt. scale * will be checked daily & the percentage of points attained each half of the Six Weeks will count as a test grade (ends up being 2 test grades per 6-weeks) How have new discoveries helped to create new perspectives on the growth and development of living things? How do you use the scientific method and controlled experimentation to solve both scientific and everyday problems? How does the interaction of matter and energy affect an organism and the populations of an ecosystem? Why is it important to study and understand cells? Why is a knowledge of DNA structure important to the study of inheritance? What are the relationships among living things, and how are they organized? How do life cycles affect living things? What is the relationship between structure and function? How is natural selection related to an organism’s development over time? How do the interrelationships of organisms affect an ecosystem?

2 1. Scientific Method / Essential Chemistry
Community Principles Learning Rituals Course Map This Course: includes Performance Options Student: Critical Concepts Learned in these Units Biology 1 Multiple Choice / Matching Free Response (short essay) Problem Sets Label diagrams / Fill in tables Simple Drawings Interactive Reader responses (fill-in-the-blank stuff) Unit Organizer Routine Unit Tests FRAMEing Routine Chapter Tests Textbook Problems Lab Activities Interactive Reading Group Problem- Drawings/Charts/Graphs solving Keep up to date with your work. Work safely in the laboratory. Treat each other with respect. Scientific Investigation Inheritance Scientific Nomenclature Adaptation Homeostasis Evolution Energy Flow Ecosystems 1. Scientific Method / Essential Chemistry 9. Human Systems 2. Cells 8. Animals 3. Genetics 7. Plants 4. Evolution 6. Classification / Diversity 5. Ecology

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