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The Compromise of 1850.

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Presentation on theme: "The Compromise of 1850."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Compromise of 1850

2 The Cause 1. The U.S. had acquired vast territory—result of war with Mexico--Should slavery be allowed? (Wilmot Proviso) 2. California—gold rush 1849—had petitioned for statehood—slave/free balance disrupted

3 3. Dispute in TX-claimed territory to Santa Fe
4. Washington, D.C.—Not only allowed slavery—largest slave market in North America

4 Henry Clay to the Rescue!
The Compromise of 1850 1. TX land dispute-give up disputed land-get $10 million to pay debt to Mexico.

5 2. Territories of NM & UT would be organized by popular sovereignty.
3. Slave trade in Washington, D.C. ended--slavery still legal

6 4. California admitted as Free State-disrupts balance
5. Fugitive Slave Act passed to pacify slave-state politicians

7 The Fugitive Slave Law Required citizens to assist in recovery
Denied fugitive a right to a jury trial-special commissioners paid $5-released & $10 if returned

8 Increased # of federal officials to enforce act
Estimated 20,000 blacks move to Canada Underground RR becomes more active

9 Slavery now in the national spotlight
How long will the Union stay together? The case of Anthony Burns


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