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Jacob 6-7
Jacob 6:4 Which characteristic of God seems most dominant in the allegory? “In his concluding commentary on the allegory, Jacob (said)… How merciful is our God unto us” (Jeffrey R. Holland, Christ and the New Covenant, 166).
Jacob 6:7 How can members be “nourished by the good word of God all the day long?” “That is what our members really want when they gather in a meeting or come into a classroom anyway… they come seeking a spiritual experience. They want peace. They want their faith fortified and their hope renewed.” Jacob 6:12 O be wise; what can I say more?
Different names not to call your son:
Jacob 7 Different names not to call your son: Sherem Nehor Korihor Gadianton Kishkumen Cain Lamech Master Mahan Nimrod Belial Beelzebub, etc.
And thy will, O Lord, be done, and not mine!
Jacob 7:14 Theme? And thy will, O Lord, be done, and not mine! Jacob 7:5 “I could not be shaken!” Why? I had heard the voice of the Lord speaking unto me in very word from time to time.
Jacob 7:10-12 How can the combined force of the scriptures, the prophets, and the Holy Ghost help us? “May I suggest three short tests to avoid being deceived… 1. What do the standard works have to say about it? 2. What do the Latter-day Presidents of the Church have to say on the subject, particularly the living President? 3. The test of the Holy Ghost–the test of the Spirit. (Ezra Taft Benson, Conference Report, Oct. 1963, 16-18)
President Ezra Taft Benson taught that one of the major purposes of the Book of Mormon is to help us discern between truth and error, revealing the motives of individuals like Sherem: “The Book of Mormon exposes the enemies of Christ. It confounds false doctrines and… fortifies the humble followers of Christ against the evil designs, strategies, and doctrines of the devil in our day. The type of apostates in the Book of Mormon are similar to the type we have today. God, with his infinite foreknowledge, so molded the Book of Mormon that we might see the error and know how to combat false educational, political, religious, and philosophical concepts of our time” (Conference Report, Apr. 1975). Examples: What is the purpose of the Word of Wisdom? (D&C 89:4) What is the purpose of asking for the “Gifts of the Spirit?” (D&C 46:8)
Why does every prophet speak “concerning this spirit?”
Jacob 7:11 Why does every prophet speak “concerning this spirit?” “The preeminent duty of a prophet is to bear witness of Jesus Christ” (Joseph Fielding Smith and Robert L. Millet, Doctrinal Commentary, 2:86). “This is the great basic purpose of the restoration of the gospel… To declare the living reality of God… Jesus Christ is His firstborn, the Only Begotten in the flesh, who condescended to come to the earth; who… taught the way of salvation; who offered Himself a sacrifice for all… through Him, and by Him, and of Him, all are assured salvation from death, and are offered the opportunity of eternal life” (Gordon B. Hinckley, Ensign, May 1986, 47).
Jacob 7:13 “Show Me a Sign” Joseph Smith taught that whoever asks for a sign is an adulterer (Teachings, 157). In early Church History a Campbellite preacher wished to see a notable miracle performed. He assured Joseph that he would use his influence to convert the rest of his congregation as well, if he could see a sign. “Well,” said Joseph, “what will you have done? Will you be struck blind, dumb? Will you be paralyzed, or will you have one hand withered? Take your choice, choose which you please, and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ it shall be done.” “That is not the kind of miracle I want,” said the preacher. “Then, sir” replied Joseph, “I can perform none, I am not going to bring any trouble upon any body else, sir, to convince you” (Journal of Discourses 2:326).
Joseph Smith was preaching in Philadelphia, a Quaker called out for a sign. Joseph told him to be still. After the sermon, this same man again asked for a sign. Joseph told the congregation that the man was an adulterer; that a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and that the Lord had said to him in revelation, that any man who wanted a sign was an adulterous person. “It is true,” cried one, “for I caught him in the very act,” which the man afterwards confessed when he was baptized. Elder Bradley’s story! Although the ultimate fate of Sherem is not known to us, this we do observe; death-bed repentance does not have within it the seeds of everlasting life. It would appear that Sherem’s sin was not unpardonable---that he will not be numbered among the sons of perdition---for he still possessed a soul capable of repentance, which disposition is wholly alien to a son of perdition (TPJS, 358).
Jacob 7:27 “Adieu” “The word adieu is defined in a dictionary of Joseph Smith’s day as ‘a farewell; an expression of kind wishes at the parting of friends’ [meaning that I commend you to God]. (Noah Webster, An American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828). While the word is of French origin, it had found common usage in early nineteenth century New England” (Edward J. Brandt, “I Have a Question,” Ensign, Oct. 1985, 17).
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