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Why did the explorers come?

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Presentation on theme: "Why did the explorers come?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why did the explorers come?
Who was in the US first? The Native Americans Why did the explorers come? Curiosity, Gold, Religion Why did the colonists come? A New Life, Religious Freedom, Land How did many of the colonists treat the Native Americans?

2 Why did the colonists seek independence from England?
Unfair Taxes and Treatment Was England the only country that owned land in the New World? France and Spain also owned land What did the Native Americans believe about land ownership? You could only own what you could move.

3 Before the Revolutionary War was the French & Indian War
Before the Revolutionary War was the French & Indian War. The Native Americans lost and were asked to stay west of the Appalachian Mountains. After the Revolutionary War, the Native Americans were asked to stay west of the Mississippi River.



6 In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson agreed to the Louisiana Purchase, in which he bought a huge parcel of land from France. It nearly doubled the size of the country but Jefferson did not know much about the land. As Americans purchased more land, conflicts with the Native Americans continued to increase.

7 To learn more about the land that was purchased, Thomas Jefferson created the Corps of Discovery – a team of about 40 people who explored the newly acquired land. The Corps was led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. They quickly added Sacagawea, a Native American, to the team as they valued her knowledge of the land, plants, and medicine. Their goal was to document their journey through maps and journals, paying close attention to the land and resources.


9 Why was it very important for Lewis & Clark to create detailed and accurate notes and maps?
Why might Sacagawea have gone to help the men in the Corps of Discovery?

10 Choose one of the following to write 2-3 paragraphs about…
The conversation that Lewis & Clark had with Sacagawea to convince her to help them. A diary entry written by Lewis, Clark, or Sacagawea documenting one realistically exciting day of their voyage.

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