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Behaviors, Attitudes, Work Ethics & Decision Making 7th grade Career Discovery Written by Barbara Mackessy.

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Presentation on theme: "Behaviors, Attitudes, Work Ethics & Decision Making 7th grade Career Discovery Written by Barbara Mackessy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Behaviors, Attitudes, Work Ethics & Decision Making 7th grade Career Discovery
Written by Barbara Mackessy

2 Assess the consequences of positive and negative work ethic choices.
MSCD7-1: Students will identify and evaluate work ethics and behavior characteristics needed for success in a career and in life. Demonstrate the importance of positive work ethics in relation to success (Appearance, attendance, attitude, character, communication, cooperation, productivity, organizational skills, respect, and teamwork). Identify examples of appropriate and inappropriate personal behaviors in specific school, social, and work situations. Assess the consequences of positive and negative work ethic choices.

3 Attitude The Your Your reaction is what other
The way you feel about life in general Can be According to Webster,

4 Behavior Your actions resulting The way you act or
Can be influenced by others According to Webster,

5 Your attitude and behavior will have an impact on your
Will you be able to find and keep a job in the future? What type of attitude do you have?

6 Types of Behaviors & Attitudes
Acceptable Unacceptable

7 Acceptable Attitudes & Behaviors

8 Unacceptable Attitudes & Behaviors

9 Behavior is your actions resulting from your attitude, personality and environment.
Work Ethics Including but not limited to

10 Work ethics includes your set of values
how you feel about their job and your set of values

11 Work ethics Work ethic

12 Work ethic involves honesty What will you do in a given situation?

13 Two statewide surveys of Georgia employers also identified
The Number 1 priority of Georgia’s employers is to improve the work ethics of present and future employees. Employers Two statewide surveys of Georgia employers also identified

14 The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that 80 percent of workers who lose their jobs do so not because of lack of occupational skills, but because of poor work ethics.

15 According to Georgia Technical Colleges, business and industry leaders have identified essential work ethics that should be taught and practiced in order to develop a viable and effective workforce.

16 Interpersonal Skills Appreciative Cheerful

17 Initiative Independent Persevering

18 Being Dependable Dependable

19 Appearance Displays

20 Teamwork Respects

21 Respect Deals

22 Productivity Follows safety practices

23 Attendance

24 Organizational Skills

25 Attitude Demonstrates a positive attitude

26 Character Displays loyalty

27 Communication Displays

28 Cooperation Displays

29 According to Georgia Technical College the ten essential work ethics traits that need to be taught to encourage development of positive work habits conducive to the needs of business and industry.

30 Work Ethics Assessment
How would you have rated yourself on all of those items? At the work site they expect you to be proficient in all of them. What do you need to do? What do you need to change? Will you stay employed in the future?

31 Group Dynamics A group is able to share experiences

32 Group Dynamics

33 What are the interpersonal skills needed in teamwork?

34 Decisions are made daily!

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