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Young person Annual Review Meeting Date.

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Presentation on theme: "Young person Annual Review Meeting Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Young person Annual Review Meeting Date

2 Who was at the Review Meeting?
Young person Family Friends Ellen Grattidge Simon’sTeacher Herjoyt Ubhi Connexions Julie Pointer Transition Worker Grace Over Meeting Facilitator Collette Gray Adult Services

3 What we like and admire about him
Lovely smile Good card playing skills Good memory Friendly Cute Never complains Brave Helps others do the right thing “Because I’m me”

4 What his classmates like and admire about him
Happy Friendly Handsome Funny He is second brother

5 What’s working well for him?
My relationships Home Young Person’s View He loves St Philip’s and getting the school bus. He loves to come even if he is unwell Family’s View Our relationship Friend’s View Fits in well with the group and has integrated and settled well into St Philip’s. Developing more independence in his work Others’ views

6 What’s not working well for him?
I can’t think of anything Young Person’s View I would like him to have a better social life outside school He never wants to practise reading at home as books I have at his level are not interesting to him / too babyish Family’s View He needs to work a bit harder He should talk about me more often Friend’s View Herjoyt needs to see him for a one to one interview Out of school activities Others’ views

7 What is Important to him Now?
Family My girlfriend Getting more independence Being helpful Playstation games My friends Working on literacy and numeracy

8 What is Important to him for the future?
Thinking about what he wants to do when he leaves St Philip’s 6th form Get a job To be as independent as possible Leave home Community based work experience Get married I would love him to be able to read in the future Being safe while out of school and in school Entertain children Have children


10 What support and help does he need to stay healthy and safe?
An adult or friend to guide and help him getting around outside, until he is more independent Support with travel and travel training Continued PSHE Domestic skills

11 Questions to answer Issues to resolve
The future – what next after St Philip’s? This is something I worry about – I would like him to be able to be employed in some way in the future School targets Is the sixth form at St Philip’s still an appropriate placement? Does his statement need changing? Travel training Out of school activities

12 His Action Plan Herjoyt to arrange a one to one interview with him to look at what he would like to do after he leaves St Philip’s He will take part in Julie’s work experience group during the summer holidays Ellen to arrange work experience for him through school He and Mum to use the public bus out of school Grace to refer him for a befriender

13 His Action Plan Grace to send information about ‘Xpressions’ Youth Club to him and his Mum He and Ellen to make sure that he has the phone numbers of all his school friends He will find out when JM and JP are going to TAG or Xpressions Youth Clubs Ellen to look for books that he would enjoy reading at home with his Mum and send one home every week Grace and Ellen to collate Review information and ensure it is sent out

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