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Identify as virus, bacteria, protozoa, or parasite

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Presentation on theme: "Identify as virus, bacteria, protozoa, or parasite"— Presentation transcript:

1 Identify as virus, bacteria, protozoa, or parasite
The flu Polio Malaria Lyme disease E. coli 0157H7 Pinworm Smallpox Rhinovirus Salmonella HIV Tapeworm

2 Identify the disease Causes pustules on the skin, could be fatal
Changes its genetic structure every year Infantile paralysis Food poisoning (2 answers) Spongiform encephalopathy Tick vector Mosquito vector Transmitted by sneezing Infects and destroys white blood cells (T cells)

3 What is: Penicillin Vector Germ theory of disease Prokaryotic cell
Eukaryotic cell Protozoa Infectious Sporadic versus acquired disease prp

4 Place in order of increasing complexity
prion parasite bacteria virus protozoa H. sapiens eukaryotic cell

5 Polio. Salmonella. Rhinovirus Influenza. E. coli. Smallpox HIV/AIDS
Polio Salmonella Rhinovirus Influenza E. coli Smallpox HIV/AIDS CJD Malaria Virus shed in feces Virus transmitted by respiratory secretions Virus results in pustules Opportunistic infections Associated with mad cow disease Protozoa infects red blood cells Undercooked chicken Pandemic in 1920 killed millions Undercooked beef or contaminated raw vegetables Iron lung Killed by heat (pick 2)

6 What is: Gut flora # people with parasitic infections (worms)
# people with malaria Pathogen Antibiotic resistance Opportunistic infection Cell lysis Kuru

7 1. List 5 organs or tissues of the immune system
1. List 5 organs or tissues of the immune system. Identify their general location in the body 2. compare non-specific to specific immunity 3. Compare self to non-self antigens 4. Compare B cells to T cells 5. How does vaccination relate to B cell memory?

8 Which do we currently vaccinate all US children for?
Tetanus Rhinovirus Whooping cough Salmonella Smallpox Lyme disease HIV Polio The flu Prion disease Chicken pox Anthrax Malaria Measles, mumps, rubella

9 Questions for the cumulative portion of the final exam
What is homeostasis? What characteristics do all living things share? What is the scientific method? What do biologists study? What is a cell? What are the 3 main structures of a eukaryotic cell? What is the difference between a prokaryotic and a eukaryotic cell? What is the difference between a cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

10 What are the 4 principle tissue types in humans?
What is binomial classification? What are the 4 kingdoms of eukaryotes? What is a mammal? What is the main point of natural selection? What is a gene? How does cancer relate to the cell cycle? What is DNA? How many chromosomes are in a human cell? A sperm? An egg? What is the advantage of cloning human genes into bacteria to produce human drugs? How does therapeutic cloning differ from reproductive cloning? What is an embryonic stem cell?

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