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Verb Tense Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Verb Tense Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verb Tense Review

2 Simples… Past: walked Present: walk Future: will walk

3 Perfects…. All perfects are a shift in time
Perfect Past: Action is completed before another action (They had walked) Perfect Present: Action that started in the past, but continues through the present (They have walked) Perfect Future: Action to come and be completed in the future (They will have walked) Perfects contain have, has, had Perfect future contains will have

4 Make this future perfect.
With a revolutionary idea like Stilwell’s, someday I __________ a fortune! (earn)

5 Make this present perfect.
Charles Stilwell ___________ his place in history as the inventor of the brown paper bag. (acheive)

6 Mix Freeze Group Get up and walk around the room. When I yell, FREEZE, stop where you are and wait for the question.

7 How many hours a day do you think cats sleep?
1-5 hours: form a group of 2 6-12 hours: form a group of 3 13-15 hours: form a group of 4 16 plus hours a day: form a group of 5

8 ….answer: Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours a day

9 What season do children go through a growth spurt?
Winter: form a group of 2 Spring: form a group of 3 Summer: form a group of 4 Fall: form a group of 5

10 …answer: Children go through growth spurts during spring.

11 How many days can a cockroach live without its head before it starves to death?
0-1 day: group of 2 2-4 days: group of 3 5-9 days: group of 4 10 or more days: group of 5

12 …answer: A cockroach can live up to 9 days without its head before it starves to death.

13 What is the longest recorded flight of a chicken?
30 or more seconds: group of 2 20-29 seconds: group of 3 10 to 19 seconds: group of 4 0 to 9 seconds: group of 5

14 ….answer: The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds.

15 What tense is the verb? The players fielded the ball well, but we lost the game anyway. Past: group of 2 Present: group of 3 Future: group of 4

16 Is the verb past, present or future?
The baseball league continues to add strong new teams. Past: 2 Present: 3 Future: 4 Past Perfect: 5

17 What verb tense is this sentence?
I kicked the door, hoping it would open. Future: form a group of 2 Past: form a group of 3 Present: form a group of 4 Past Perfect: form a group of 5

18 What is the verb tense of the sentence:
Joey will have to run a mile during gym 5th hour. Future: group of 2 Future Perfect: group of 3 Present: group of 4

19 What is the verb tense of the sentence:
Brown paper bags have existed for 100 years. Past: group 2 Past perfect: group of 3 Present: group of 4

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