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Other Issues - § 3.9 – Not Discussed

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1 Other Issues - § 3.9 – Not Discussed
More advanced algorithm construction – regular expression to DFA directly

2 Final Notes : R.E. to NFA Construction
So, an NFA may be simulated by algorithm, when NFA is constructed using Previous techniques Algorithm run time is proportional to |N| * |x| where |N| is the number of states and |x| is the length of input Alternatively, we can construct DFA from NFA and use the resulting Dtran to recognize input: space required O(|r|) O(|r|*|x|) O(|x|) O(2|r|) DFA NFA time to simulate where |r| is the length of the regular expression.

3 Pulling Together Concepts
Designing Lexical Analyzer Generator Reg. Expr.  NFA construction NFA  DFA conversion DFA simulation for lexical analyzer Recall Lex Structure Pattern Action … … Each pattern recognizes lexemes Each pattern described by regular expression (a | b)*abb e.g. (abc)*ab etc. Recognizer!

4 Lex Specification  Lexical Analyzer
Let P1, P2, … , Pn be Lex patterns (regular expressions for valid tokens in prog. lang.) Construct N(P1), N(P2), … N(Pn) Note: accepting state of N(Pi) will be marked by Pi Construct NFA: N(P1) Lex applies conversion algorithm to construct DFA that is equivalent! N(P2) N(Pn)

5 Pictorially Lex Specification Lex Compiler Transition Table
(a) Lex Compiler lexeme input buffer FA Simulator Transition Table (b) Schematic lexical analyzer

6 Example P1 : a P2 : abb P3 : a*b+ 3 patterns NFA’s : start 1 b a 2 3 4
5 8 7 6 P1 P2 P3

7 Example – continued (2) Combined NFA :  1 a P1 2  a b b start P2 3 4
P2 3 4 5 6 a b P3 7 8 b Examples a a b a {0,1,3,7} {2,4,7} {7} {8} death pattern matched: P P a b b {0,1,3,7} {2,4,7} {5,8} {6,8} pattern matched: P P3 P2,P3  break tie in favor of P2

8 Example – continued (3) Alternatively Construct DFA: (keep track of correspondence between patterns and new accepting states) P2 {8} - {6,8} P3 {5,8} none {7} P1 {2,4,7} {0,1,3,7} Pattern b a STATE Input Symbol break tie in favor of P2

9 Minimizing the Number of States of DFA
Construct initial partition  of S with two groups: accepting/ non-accepting. (Construct new )For each group G of  do begin Partition G into subgroups such that two states s,t of G are in the same subgroup iff for all symbols a states s,t have transitions on a to states of the same group of . Replace G in new by the set of all these subgroups. Compare new and . If equal, final:=  then proceed to 4, else set  := new and goto 2. Aggregate states belonging in the groups of final

10 example a a A a F B a b b a D C b b b a a A,C,D B,F b Minimized DFA: b

11 Using LEX Lex Program Structure:
declarations %% translation rules %% auxiliary procedures Name the file e.g. test.lex Then, “lex test.lex” produces the file “lex.yy.c” (a C-program)

12 LEX %{ /* definitions of all constants LT, LE, EQ, NE, GT, GE, IF, THEN, ELSE, ... */ %} ...... letter [A-Za-z] digit [0-9] id {letter}({letter}|{digit})* %% if { return(IF);} then { return(THEN);} {id} { yylval = install_id(); return(ID); } install_id() { /* procedure to install the lexeme to the ST */ C declarations declarations Rules Auxiliary

13 Example of a Lex Program
int num_lines = 0, num_chars = 0; %% \n {++num_lines; ++num_chars;} {++num_chars;} main( argc, argv ) int argc; char **argv; { argv, --argc; /* skip over program name */ if ( argc > 0 ) yyin = fopen( argv[0], "r" ); else yyin = stdin; yylex(); printf( "# of lines = %d, # of chars = %d\n", num_lines, num_chars ); }

14 Another Example %{ #include <stdio.h> %} WS [ \t\n]* %%
[ ] printf("NUMBER\n"); [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]* printf("WORD\n"); {WS} /* do nothing */ printf(“UNKNOWN\n“); main( argc, argv ) int argc; char **argv; { ++argv, --argc; if ( argc > 0 ) yyin = fopen( argv[0], "r" ); else yyin = stdin; yylex(); }

15 Concluding Remarks Looking Ahead:
Focused on Lexical Analysis Process, Including - Regular Expressions Finite Automaton Conversion Lex Interplay among all these various aspects of lexical analysis Looking Ahead: The next step in the compilation process is Parsing: Top-down vs. Bottom-up - Relationship to Language Theory

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