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G.R.A.P.E.S. Ancient India.

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Presentation on theme: "G.R.A.P.E.S. Ancient India."— Presentation transcript:

1 G.R.A.P.E.S. Ancient India

2 Geography On the continent of Asia Considered a subcontinent
Monsoons: large storms that cause lots of rain and flooding. Himalayan Mountains (tallest in the world) Rarely did monsoons occur in the Summer, this caused droughts and crops to die

3 Religion Polytheistic religions
Hinduism: reincarnation, karma, can connect with God in many ways, largest religion in India today. Buddhism: Brahmanism: earliest religion of Aryans Terra cotta figurines found for sacrificial purposes.

4 Achievements Created wheels for both pottery and transportation
Pictograph writing system Stone stamps (seals) to show ownership. Walls surrounding the city to prevent flooding Bull driven carts Sewer system Mud bricks for building

5 Politics Had a monarchy government. Had Rajahs
Rajahs each ruled many different cities. Indus Priest were some what in charge of the government.

6 Economics Imported gold, silver, copper, turquoise, and other semi-precious stones. Uses seals to show ownership. Trade by boat on ocean and road, brought goods from Chinese and resold them (silk).

7 Social Structures Caste system: people were born into the caste system and were never able to change levels. A person could not marry or even be friends with someone of a different caste level. Untouchables did jobs no one else wanted.

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