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The Theme: British and Kazakh foods.

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Presentation on theme: "The Theme: British and Kazakh foods."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Theme: British and Kazakh foods.
The 9th of October The Theme: British and Kazakh foods. 7- сыныпқа арналған сабақ жоспары Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі: Қожахмет Гүлім Жомартқызы.

2 To bring up feeling of responsibility and love.
The Theme: British and Kazakh foods. The Aims: To give main information about Kazakh and British foods. To develop the skills of speaking, reading on theme, to develop pupil’s habits in making short conversations. To bring up feeling of responsibility and love.

3 P r o c e d u r e o f t h e l e s s o n
Organization moment Checking up home task Introduction of the new theme 4. New words. (Writing) 5. Listening 6. Reading 7. Speaking 8.Concluion 9.Home work 10.Marking

4 It’s snowing It’s cloudy It’s sunny It’s raining What’s the weather
like today? It’s cloudy It’s sunny It’s raining

5 I like apples I can crunch! (кеміремін) I like biscuits I can munch!
Phonetic drill. I like food, I love it! I like apples I can crunch! (кеміремін) I like biscuits I can munch! ( күтірлетіп) I like orange juice that I can swish, swish, swish! ( шулы) I like food, I love it! I eat it every day; Hot or cold, Wet or dry, I eat it any way!

6 New words Cornflakes – Bacon – Beef – Pork – Mutton – Cuisine –
Omellete- Sausages-

7 Ex-13,on p-71. Countable Potatoes Uncountable 1.Food

8 Ex-14, on p-71. True or false. Ex-15, on p-71. Complete the table.
Traditional food Drinks Breakfast 5 o’clock tea Supper. Roast-beef Mineral water cornflakes omellete

9 What do you like to eat?

10 drinks Mineral water Tea Coffee Juice Milk Kymyz

11 food Meat Fish Chicken Cheese Porridge Sandwich Bread

12 Eating in Britain Toasts Roast-beef Bacon & eggs Roast potatoes
Yorkshire pudding Cornflakes Toasts omellets Sausages Bacon & eggs

13 Baursak kuyrdak Zhal, zhaya kymyz
Eating in Kazakhstan Baursak Beshbarmak kuyrdak Kazy Zhal, zhaya kymyz Kurt

14 Eating in Great Britain
Венн диаграммасы Eating in Kazakhstan Both countries like Eating in Great Britain

15 Scrambled words Krind turk ausagses gsge hcuzhku mtaoteso klim neyho mrlamdea tae nabana werat iecuj ofod ymkzy yzak

16 Answer my questions What would you like: -for breakfast? -for lunch/
I like… What would you like: -for breakfast? -for lunch/ -for dinner? -for supper?

17 IX. Home task 1. Read the text. 2.Ex-18,on p-72.

18 X. Marking Excellent Good Satisfactory

19 The lesson is over. Good buy!

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