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Bell Ringers Survey of Literature

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1 Bell Ringers Survey of Literature
Week 2 Quarter 3

2 Epi/ep – Above, over, besides, in addition to, toward, among
epicenter (n) Area directly over an earthquake Monday, February 4 epithet (adj) An added description about someone (Richard, the Great) epidemic (n) Widespread among many people Epi/ep – Above, over, besides, in addition to, toward, among episodic (v) Relating to an episode epilogue (n) A closing statement in addition to the rest Write your own sentence using one of the words revitalize (v) To bring back to life

3 Alter ego (n) ego (n) egocentrism (adj) Egomaniac (adj)
Another side of oneself Tuesday, February 5 PERIOD 4 ego (n) An exaggerated sense of self importance egocentrism (adj) Regarding one’s opinions as important -ego self Egotist (n) A boastful person Egomaniac (adj) Someone who is extremely self-centered Write your own sentence using one of the words egotistic (adj) Having an inflated idea of self importance

4 -dele – to destroy or abolish
Delenda (n) Things to be destroyed Tuesday , February 5 PERIOD 5 deletive (adj) Adapted to destroy Deletory(n) That which blots out -dele – to destroy or abolish deletionist (n) Someone who destroys a famous work Indelible (adj) Impossible to remove Write your own sentence using one of the words Deleble (n) Capable of being destroyed

5 Advocate (v) Adjudicate (v) adversary (n) -ad– to/toward/near
Serving as a judge Wednesday , February 6 adversary (n) To be opposed/ hostile to Admonish(v) To counsel someone towards a decision -ad– to/toward/near adduce(v) To bring forward for consideration Adversary (n) Opposed/hostile to Write your own sentence using one of the words Advocate (v) To argue in favor of something

6 Bioscope (v) photobiology (n) -bio– life biotic(adj)
Symbiotic (adj) Two organisms living together Wednesday , February 6 photobiology (n) The study of light on living things Antibiotic(adj) Destructive of life -bio– life biotic(adj) Refers to living organisms biodiversity (adj) Species(life) in a particular environment Write your own sentence using one of the words Bioscope (v) Something that views life

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