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Presentation on theme: "DIVERSIFICATION OF TRANSPORT ROUTES AS"— Presentation transcript:

A PREREQUISITE FOR SECURITY OF GAS SUPPLY TO EUROPE Pavel Oderov Deputy Head of International Business Department GAZPROM

2 Developing and diversifying gas transport routes
Operational and prospective pipelines to Europe Project Capacity Length Commission date Operational pipelines Ukraine 175 bcma > 5000 км Yamal - Europe 33 bcma >4000 км 1999 Blue Stream 16 bcma 1213 км 2003 Prospective pipelines E Nord Stream 55 bcma 1200 км 2011 South Stream 63 bcma > 900 км* 2015 * Subsea part

3 Nord Stream Project

4 Nord Stream Project: latest developments
On GdF SUEZ became a shareholder of Nord Stream AG Permissions for the project received on: In March 2010 loans from 27 banks were successfully raised for the first phase of the project. Talks began to organize financing for the second phase. Contracts sighed for supply of equipment for the first phase as well as for pipe lay for the entire project

5 Nord Stream Project: status of offshore pipe lay
Vessel km «Castoro 6» 297,2 «Castoro 10» 36,2 «Solitaire» 13,7

6 Nord Stream Project: work schedule
Gas in the first pipe Laying of the first pipe began Laying of the second pipe Gas in the second pipe The last permission received

7 South Stream

8 South Stream: Project Profile
3 route options: 1. Russia – Bulgaria – Serbia – Hungary – Austria 2. Russia – Bulgaria – Serbia – Hungary – Slovenia 3. Russia – Bulgaria – … – Austria and Bulgaria – Greece – Italy (offshoot pipe to Croatia is examined within each option) Total length: 1,975 km – 2,775 km (depending on final route) offshore pipe: 940 km (4 lines on the Black Sea bed) Offshore pipe capacity: 63 bcmy (at 20°C) Expected costs: Onshore: ~ € 5,5 bn Offshore: ~ € 10 bn Gas sourcing: Gazprom gas portfolio

9 South Stream: Progress Report
Project goal: transit risk mitigation by providing extra transit capacities, security of additional gas volumes to each country involved in the project Intergovernmental agreements on Project: signed with Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Greece, Slovenia, Croatia and Austria Cooperation: with national energy majors (OMV, BEH, Srbijagas, Geoplin plinovodi, DESFA, Plinacro) in onshore sections and international energy majors (ENI and EDF) in offshore section Joint ventures founded: South Stream AG (offshore section), South Stream Serbia AG, South Stream Hungary Zrt., South Stream Greece SA. Establishment of Austrian JV is underway 9

10 South Stream: Progress Report (cont.)
Feasibility Study: Offshore pipeline: completed Onshore pipeline: to be completed for each section by the end 2010 Consolidated feasibility study: to be completed in 2011 South Stream Gas Pipeline route: to be selected based on consolidated feasibility study results Final investment decision: 2012 Date of commissioning (first line): end of 2015 10

A PREREQUISITE FOR SECURITY OF GAS SUPPLY TO EUROPE Pavel Oderov Deputy Head of International Business Department GAZPROM THANK YOU Спасибо за внимание!


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