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Lecture 27: In Praise of Idleness CS200: Computer Science

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1 David Evans
Lecture 27: In Praise of Idleness CS200: Computer Science University of Virginia Computer Science David Evans

2 Menu Lazy Scheme Quantum Computing 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

3 Environmental Model of Evaluation
To evaluate a combination, evaluate all the subexpressions and apply the value of the first subexpression to the values of the other subexpressions. To apply a compound procedure to a set of arguments, evaluate the body of the procedure in a new environment. The parent of the new environment is the procedure’s environment; the frame is a new frame that contains places with the formal parameters bound to the arguments. 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

4 Lazy Evaluation Don’t evaluate expressions until their value is really needed. We might save work this way, since sometime we don’t need the value of an expression We might change the meaning of some expressions, since the order of evaluation matters Not a wise policy for problem sets (the values will always be needed!) 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

5 Lazy Examples laziness can be useful!
> (meval ‘((lambda (x) 3) (* 2 2)) the-global-environment) 3 > (lazeval ‘((lambda (x) 3) (* 2 2)) the-global-env) > (meval ‘((lambda (x) 3) (* 2 2)) (car 3)) error – can’t take car of 3 > (lazeval ‘((lambda (x) 3) (car 3)) the-global-env) > (meval ‘((lambda (x) 3) (loop-forever)) the-global-env) no value – loops forever > (lazeval ‘((lambda (x) 3) (loop-forever)) the-global-env) laziness can be useful! 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

6 In Praise of Idleness Ordinary men and women, having the opportunity of a happy life, will become more kindly and less persecuting and less inclined to view others with suspicion. The taste for war will die out, partly for this reason, and partly because it will involve long and severe work for all. Good nature is, of all moral qualities, the one that the world needs most, and good nature is the result of ease and security, not of a life of arduous struggle. Modern methods of production have given us the possibility of ease and security for all; we have chosen, instead, to have overwork for some and starvation for others. Hitherto we have continued to be as energetic as we were before there were machines; in this we have been foolish, but there is no reason to go on being foolish forever. Bertrand Russell, 1932 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

7 To evaluate a combination, evaluate all the subexpressions and apply the value of the first subexpression to the values of the other subexpressions. To apply a compound procedure to a set of arguments, evaluate the body of the procedure in a new environment. The parent of the new environment is the procedure’s environment; the frame is a new frame that contains places with the formal parameters bound to the argument expressions. When a formal parameter is first used, evaluate the argument expression to get its value. 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

8 Evaluation of Arguments
Applicative Order (“eager evaluation”) Evaluate all subexpressions before apply The standard Scheme rule Normal Order (“lazy evaluation”) Evaluate arguments just before the value is needed Algol60, Haskell, Miranda 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

9 meval (define (meval expr env) (cond ((self-evaluating? expr) expr)
((variable? expr) (environment-lookup-name expr env)) ((lambda? expr) (make-procedure (lambda-parameters expr) (lambda-body expr) env)) ((application? expr) (mapply (meval (application-operator expr) env) (map (lambda (subexpr) (meval subexpr env)) (application-operands expr)))) (else (error "Unknown expression: " exp)))) 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

10 lazeval (define (lazeval expr env) (cond
((self-evaluating? expr) expr) ((variable? expr) (environment-lookup-name expr env)) ((lambda? expr) (make-procedure (lambda-parameters expr) (lambda-body expr) env)) ((application? expr) (lazapply (lazeval (application-operator expr) env) (application-operands expr) env)) (else (error "Unknown expression: " exp)))) 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

11 lazapply (define (lazapply procedure operands env) (cond
((primitive-procedure? procedure) (apply-primitive procedure operands)) ((compound-procedure? procedure) (lazeval-sequence (procedure-body procedure) (extend-environment (procedure-parameters procedure) operands (procedure-environment procedure)))) (else (error "Unknown applicator: " procedure)))) 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

12 apply-primitive (define (apply-primitive procedure operands)
;;; The underlying Scheme apply (apply (primitive-procedure-procedure procedure) operands)) (define (lazapply-primitive procedure operands env) ;;; The underlying Scheme apply (apply (primitive-procedure-procedure procedure) (map (lambda (op) (lazeval op env)) operands))) 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

13 lazeval (define (lazeval expr env) (cond
((self-evaluating? expr) expr) ((variable? expr) (environment-lookup-name expr env)) ((lambda? expr) (make-procedure (lambda-parameters expr) (lambda-body expr) env)) ((application? expr) (lazapply (lazeval (application-operator expr) env) (application-operands expr) env)) (else (error "Unknown expression: " exp)))) 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

14 lazeval (define (lazeval expr env) (cond
((self-evaluating? expr) expr) ((variable? expr) (lazeval (environment-lookup-name expr env) env)) ((lambda? expr) (make-procedure (lambda-parameters expr) (lambda-body expr) env)) ((application? expr) (lazapply (lazeval (application-operator expr) env) (application-operands expr) env)) (else (error "Unknown expression: " exp)))) 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

15 Are we lazy? > (lazeval '((lambda (x) (* x x)) 3) the-global-env) 9
> (lazeval '(define loop-forever (lambda () (loop-forever))) the-global-env) ok > (lazeval '((lambda (x) 12) (loop-forever)) the-global-env) 12 > (meval '((lambda (x) ((lambda (x) (+ x x)) x)) 7) the-global-env) 14 > (lazeval '((lambda (x) ((lambda (x) (+ x x)) x)) 7) the-global-env) Doesn’t halt! 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

16 > (lazeval '((lambda (x) ((lambda (x) (+ x x)) x)) 7) the-global-env)
(((+ primitive-procedure #<primitive:+>) (* primitive-procedure #<primitive:*>) (- primitive-procedure #<primitive:->)))) | (lazeval (lambda (x) ((lambda (x) (+ x x)) x)) | (procedure (x) (((lambda (x) (+ x x)) x)) | (lazapply (procedure (7) (define (lazeval expr env) (cond ((self-evaluating? expr) expr) ((variable? expr) (lazeval (environment-lookup-name expr env) env)) ((lambda? expr) (make-procedure (lambda-parameters expr) (lambda-body expr) env)) ((application? expr) (lazapply (lazeval (application-operator expr) env) (application-operands expr) env)) (else (error "Unknown expression: " exp)))) 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

17 Fixing Lazeval We need to only evaluate things once – the first time we need the value of a name We need to evaluate them in the correct environment Instead of putting the expression in the frame, make a new kind of object called a thunk that packages the expression with the evaluation environment. The first time we need the value associated with a name, evaluate the thunk and put the value in the name’s place. 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

18 I thunk I can… (define (make-thunk expr env) (list 'thunk expr env))
(define (thunk? expr) (tagged-list? expr 'thunk)) (define (thunk-expr thunk) (cadr thunk)) (define (thunk-env thunk) (caddr thunk)) 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

19 thunky lazeval (define (lazeval expr env) (cond ((application? expr)
(lazapply (lazeval (application-operator expr) env) (application-operands expr) env)) 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

20 thunky lazapply (define (lazapply procedure operands env) (cond
((primitive-procedure? procedure) (lazapply-primitive procedure (map (lambda (op) (lazeval op env)) operands))) ((compound-procedure? procedure) (lazeval-sequence (procedure-body procedure) (extend-environment (procedure-parameters procedure) (map (lambda (op) (make-thunk op env)) operands) (procedure-environment procedure)))) (else (error "Unknown applicator: " procedure)))) 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

21 thunky names (define (lazeval expr env) (cond
((self-evaluating? expr) expr) ((variable? expr) (environment-get-value! expr env)) ((lambda? expr) (make-procedure (lambda-parameters expr) (lambda-body expr) env)) ((definition? expr) (define-variable! (definition-variable expr) (lazeval (definition-value expr) env) env)) ((application? expr) (lazapply (lazeval (application-operator expr) env) (application-operands expr) env)) (else (error "Unknown expression: " exp)))) 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

22 environment-lookup-name
(define (environment-lookup-name name env) (if (null? env) (error "No binding " name) (if (frame-contains? name (first-frame env)) (frame-lookup-name name (environment-lookup-name name (enclosing-environment env))))) 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

23 environment-get-value!
(define (environment-get-value! name env) (if (null? env) (error "No binding for" name) (if (frame-contains? name (first-frame env)) (let ((np (frame-lookup-name name (first-frame env)))) (if (thunk? (cdr np)) (set-cdr! np (lazeval (thunk-expr (cdr np)) (thunk-env (cdr np))))) (cdr np)) (environment-get-value! name (enclosing-environment env))))) 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

24 Laziness is Good? > (lazeval '(define true (lambda (x y) x)) the-global-env) ok > (lazeval '(define false (lambda (x y) y)) the-global-env) > (lazeval '(define if (lambda (pred tbranch fbranch) (pred tbranch fbranch))) the-global-env) > (lazeval '(if true 3 (loop-forever)) the-global-env) 3 Problem Set 7, Question 2: why does this work in LazyScheme, but not in MiniScheme? 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

25 Quantum Computing 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

26 Quantum Mechanics for Dummies
Light behaves like both a wave and a particle at the same time A single photon is in many states at once Observing its state forces it into one state Books Search Results: we were unable to find exact matches for your search for scheme for dummies 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

27 Schrödinger’s Cat Put a live cat in a box with cyanide vial that opens depending on quantum state Cat is both dead and alive at the same time until you open the box (qeval ‘(define cat (quist “alive” “dead”))) (qeval ‘(observe (lambda (q) #t) cat) “dead” or “alive” Its only a thought experiment, not necessary to try with real cat! 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

28 Charge Don’t let Lazy Scheme happen to you! Next week
PS7 is long and hard – don’t wait to start it! Next week Another Scheme Variation: type checking 27 March 2002 CS 200 Spring 2002

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