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You do NOT need to make a new IN-Through-OUT page.

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Presentation on theme: "You do NOT need to make a new IN-Through-OUT page."— Presentation transcript:

1 You do NOT need to make a new IN-Through-OUT page.
Welcome! You do NOT need to make a new IN-Through-OUT page.

2 In- Learning Targets I can demonstrate how reading makes me smarter.
Go over 45 word abstracts Find and highlight evidence for “enough” and “not enough” in the readings we’ve done so far. If you haven’t read the assigned articles in, read and highlight in your two colors. 2

3 Sample 45 Word Abstract Why did the U.N. push the U.S. to call migrants refugees? The U.N. is urging the U.S. to see the migrants from Central America, many of them children, as refugees. Although they are fleeing gang violence rather than more traditional conflicts, the U.N. argues that the crisis requires serious attention and humanitarian aid. (42 words)

4 (Review) Focus Question Freewrite
Are the more stable nations of the world doing enough to help the migrants and refugees from the less stable nations of the world? Why or why not? stable= secure, steady (politically and economically) In today’s “Through” section, write the focus question, then free-write your response for 3 minutes. To share, line up silently by height, divide line in half, then read free-write aloud. Then “vote with your feet.”

5 Evidence Choose one color highlighter to represent evidence for each side of the argument (“we’re doing enough” vs. “we need to do more”) Make a color-coded key at the top of the articles. Use the two colors to highlight evidence from each side. After we color code the paper articles, we will go onto and color code the articles you read online.

6 When you are finished with Newsela...
Go to Click on Middle East Geography games. Go to Countries-- Level 2 (Advanced Beginner). Then do Africa, Europe, and Central/South America (always go to Countries, and Level 2).

7 Out Summary/Reflection
Today we learned about _____________. I think I will remember _________ the most, because ________________.

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