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Introduction to the MOSH Adoption System

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the MOSH Adoption System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the MOSH Adoption System

2 Introduction MOSH Process Introductory Presentation
The HPD TAS Tool adoption guidance Description of the Guidance process Introduction to the tool (DVDs, Selection Tool, Training Material etc) Roles and Responsibilities of the Adoption Team MOSH Adoption process template Adoption Plan signoff

3 Purpose of this presentation
To share a few key principles of the MOSH adoption system To briefly explain the MOSH system To share the challenges we face

4 MOSH adoption system: Key principles
It was designed by the people in the industry for the people in the industry - It is not ‘a Chamber of Mines thing’ A major reason why transfer of practices fails is because people do not own the practice – Adopt means to choose or take as one’s own It follows a people centric approach – the people choose to make the practice their own The people centric approach is demonstrated through: Focus on behavioural aspects High leadership visibility Involvement of people in the process

5 The MOSH adoption system: History and rationale
2005 CEO’s committed themselves to the 2013 OHS milestones 2006 Mining Industry Occupational Health and Safety (MOSH) Task Force established to give impetus to achievement of the milestones MOSH task force commissions experts to determine why safety performance in industry stagnated. Main finding: failure of operations generally to adopt what works elsewhere Adoption system developed

6 The MOSH adoption system: History and rationale
2007 Employers agreed to adoption system developed at request of the MOSH Task Force 2011 CEO’s reconfirmed their support for the MOSH adoption system for leading practices Concept of MOSH leading practices entrenched in the Culture Transformation Framework agreed to by government, organised labour and employers Employers to report on MOSH leading practices on the Mining Charter scorecard

7 The MOSH adoption system and how it operates
It emphasises the behavioural aspects that should accompany adoption for sustainability It is a process that identifies OHS leading practices in industry (pockets of excellence) and facilitates wide spread adoption throughout industry. It has adoption teams focusing on falls of ground, transport and machinery, dust and noise respectively It is done by people within industry with the assistance and guidance by the Learning Hub (a department of the Chamber )

8 The MOSH adoption process
Identify a leading practice Document the leading practice at the site where it is successful Conduct mental models research Draw up generic behavioural communication and leadership behaviour plans Demonstrate successful adoption Facilitate widespread adoption

9 Leading Practices currently being adopted
Falls of Ground Entry examination and making safe (already 65 mines partaking) Nets with bolts Triggered action response process Transport and Machinery Proximity detection system Dust Foggers/mist sprays Footwall and sidewall treatment Investigating four potential practices Noise HPD TAS Tool

10 Key industry players Sponsors MOSH Task Force members
Typically CEO level person for each team who sits on Chamber Council Provide strategic guidance as required MOSH Task Force members Preferably the most senior OHS office bearer of each Chamber member Provide strategic leadership and oversight of MOSH processes; communication link between Hub and own executives Adoption Team Members Senior technical experts in their fields People on the ground The adopters: Manages, supervisors, team members

11 MOSH Task Force Member Member Member Member Member Member
National/Regional Industry MOSH Adoption Team Members Mine Adoption Team Manager Mine Adoption Team Manager Mine Adoption Team Manager Operational Adopters: Supervisors and team members

12 A leading practice comprises three components:
What distinguishes MOSH from the usual transfer of practices A leading practice comprises three components: Practice Behavioral Communica-tion Leadership Behaviour

13 Learning Hub services and support
Provides adoption guides for each leading practice Provides leading practice investigation and design tools Facilitates Communities of Practice for Adoption (COPAs)

14 Challenges Participation at various forums - Absence of decision makers Lack of appreciation of the importance of behavioural change necessary to sustain adoption Lack of continuity of representatives at meetings Lack of a multi-disciplinary approach Unavailability of relevant information required for key actions Ineffectiveness of some of the Community of Practice for Adoption (COPAs) due to poor industry involvement

15 Introduction The HPD TAS Tool adoption guidance
Introductory Presentation MOSH Process The HPD TAS Tool adoption guidance Description of the Guidance process Introduction to the tool (DVDs, Selection Tool, Training Material etc) Roles and Responsibilities of the Adoption Team MOSH Adoption process template Adoption Plan signoff

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