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English Literature Vocabulary Week 4.

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1 English Literature Vocabulary Week 4

2 gist What was the gist of his speech?

3 Gist the main or essential part of a matter; the real meaning
Synonyms: bottom line, core, essence, meaning, point, quintessence, substance

4 Pilgrimage Every year thousands of Catholics make a pilgrimage to the Vatican.

5 Pilgrimage A journey to a holy place
Synonyms: journey, trip, visit, tour, excursion

6 malinger He claimed he had the flu, but I think he was just malingering.

7 malinger One who pretends illness in order to avoid work
Synonyms: dodge, evade, fake, loaf, sham, shirk

8 clairvoyant The clairvoyant woman predicted our future.

9 Clairvoyant having or claiming to have the power of seeing objects or actions beyond the range of natural vision; A psychic Synonyms: intuitive, medium, perceptive, prophet, psychic, seer, telepathic, visionary

10 incognito The celebrity traveled incognito to the mall.

11 Incognito having one's identity concealed, as under an assumed name
Synonyms: anonymous, concealed, disguised, nameless, undercover, unidentified, unknown

12 taut The skin of his face looked drawn and taut.

13 taut tightly drawn; tense; not slack Synonyms: stiff, tense, tight

14 Sovereign The sovereign of Russia used to be called a czar.

15 Sovereign Supreme in power Synonym: king, queen, ruler, monarch

16 gape Drivers who gape at an accident make traffic a nightmare.

17 gape to stare with open mouth, as in wonder
Synonyms: eye, gasp, gawk, gaze, goggle, peer, rubberneck, stare

18 fissure The brain is an organ with a natural fissure.

19 fissure A narrow opening
Synonyms: blemish, break, cleavage, cleft, crack, cranny, crevice

20 Affluent We are fortunate to live in such an affluent society.

21 Affluent having an abundance of wealth, property, or other material goods Synonyms: copious, loaded, rich

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