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LO: How is the friendship between George and Lennie portrayed in OMAM?

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Presentation on theme: "LO: How is the friendship between George and Lennie portrayed in OMAM?"— Presentation transcript:

1 LO: How is the friendship between George and Lennie portrayed in OMAM?

2 Find quotations for a few of these examples...
Types of friendships. Any others? Unusual. Brotherly. Master/Dog. Companionship. Father/Son. Protective. Loving. Find quotations for a few of these examples...

3 How is friendship portrayed in OMAM?
Guys like us that work on ranches are the loneliest guys in the world But not us George. Cause I got you to look after me and you got me to look after you. “It's just the talking. It's just bein' with another guy. That's all” – Crooks ‘Lennie imitated George exactly’ Structure Context Authorial intention PQE Effect on reader

4 Can’t be plural and lonely.
Shows how unusual G&L relationship is. Makes the reader empathise with G&L and want them to stay together. Don’t want them to experience the isolation and loneliness which is normal for itinerant workers. Word-level analysis. (How to get A-A*) Juxtaposition “Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don’t belong no place.” Repetition Emotive Hyperbole? Reality? Itinerant workers Emphasises the lonely, isolated and empty existence of itinerant workers. Literally have nothing. Isolation in mind, spirit, location, emotions. Makes the reader sympathise with itinerant workers. Appreciate the special relationship G&L have. Fearful that nothing should happen to ruin this relationship. Loneliest implies they are the most lonely in the world. Hyperbole for effect or reality for itinerant workers at the time? Empathy from readers and fear for G&L.

5 ‘Lennie’s closed hand slowly obeyed.’
Slow = Lennie’s mind, his character. Slowly = He still has his own ideas/instincts/wants/needs and so is reluctant to do everything George asks. Free will? Obeyed = Vocabulary used for animals, dogs, submissive and does what he’s told? Master-dog relationship. Obedience of a dog to a master. HOWEVER, shows that he is reluctant so could be seen as father-son, son is growing up and out of fathers control, foreshadowing how Lennie starts doing things beyond Georges control?

6 Master-dog or father-son
Structure Lennie gradually grows out of George’s control – foreshadowing = Weed - escalating to more dangerous situations? ‘like a terrier…’ What do we have to do to dogs that get out of control and attack people? Steinbecks intention and Effect on audience Make the audience nervous, builds suspense/tension. We worry for Lennie and for George.

7 ‘Lennie imitated George exactly’
Friendship “It's just the talking. It's just bein' with another guy. That's all” – Crooks ‘Lennie imitated George exactly’

8 Create a spider diagram to start in-depth analysis of two of your quotes.
Quote > connotation > effect > authorial intention > link to theme Master/Dog. Brotherly. Unusual. Companionship. Father/Son. Protective. Loving.

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