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Discussion Questions   10/23/15

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1 Discussion Questions 10/23/15 Using your textbook or smart phone, please answer the following: Please describe what is meant when we say DNA Replication is semi-conservative. Describe the stages of Interphase and list the stages of the “M”phase What are the advantages and disadvantages to asexual reproduction (such as binary fission in bacteria) YouTube DNA Replication

2 Reminders *Test and Quiz make ups, tutoring during PLC on TUES and THURS Rough Draft of your Research plan is due on notebook paper or typed by 10/26 . Follow the guidelines in your science fair packet If you are growing plants for Science Fair you need to start Start working on your Science Fair Laboratory Composition Notebook. Follow the instructions in your Science Fair packet carefully. It tells you exactly what to do and how to do it. Look at the judges grading rubric carefully as you complete your science fair Root quiz 10/30/15 (NEXT Friday) Cell, Cellular Transport, Cell Cycle, DNA Replication exam on Tuesday 11/3/15. JOURNALS due 11/3/15 also Daily quizzes resume today!!!

3 Quick INFO Watson and Crick The structure of DNA
Rosalind Franklin’s Xray Picture of DNA


5 Cell Cycle Checkpoints Review
Cell Cycle control YouTube

6 DNA Power Point Notes Fill in the notes as we go through the power point

7 QUIZZES Thurs and Fri Clear your desks of everything
QUIZZES Thurs and Fri Clear your desks of everything Do NOT write on the quiz please Use CAPITAL letters please Keep your answers covered If you need to make up a quiz due to an absence… come see me Tues or Thurs during PLC Flip it over when you are finished and hang on to it.

8 Today’s Objective: Objective: Review the Cell Cycle and DNA &
DNA Replication

9 Finish the Chromosome Numbers Handout from Yesterday
Begin DNA – The Double Helix Activity -see me for the handout 9

10 Exit Ticket 1. Describe the base pairing rules.
2. Compare and contrast purines and pyrimidines. 3. How do you think DNA replicates itself. YouTube DNA Replication YouTube Crash Course Mitosis

11 Exit Ticket 1. Please describe the cell cycle phases and substages.
2. When does DNA Replication occur? YouTube Crash Course Mitosis

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