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Chapter 5.

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1 Chapter 5

2 Levels of Organization
Jeopardy Vocabulary Mitosis Cell Cycle Levels of Organization 1 2 3 4 Double Jeopardy

3 Double Jeopardy 1 2 3 4 final jeopardy Vocabulary Cell Cycle
Miscellaneous 1 2 3 4 final jeopardy

4 Final Jeopardy List these specialized cells in order of how quickly they can divide and repair themselves (from fastest to slowest): skin cells, stomach cells, brain cells, blood cells STOMACH, SKIN, BLOOD, BRAIN

5 Vocab 1 The longest phase of the cell cycle What is interphase?

6 Vocab 2 Prokaryotes lack this organelle What is a nucleus? jeopardy

7 Vocab 3 This disease is characterized by uncontrolled growth of cells.
What is cancer? jeopardy

8 Vocab 4 This organelle, found only in plant cells, are used for photosynthesis What is a chloroplast? jeopardy

9 Mitosis 1 In this stage, the centromere splits and the sister chromatids separate. What is anaphase? jeopardy

10 Mitosis 2 In this stage, the cytoplasm and cell contents divide.
What is cytokinesis? jeopardy

11 Mitosis 3 In this stage, chromosomes line up at the center of the cell. What is metaphase? jeopardy

12 Mitosis 4 In this stage, the nuclear membrane breaks down.
What is prophase? jeopardy

13 Cell Cycle 1 This is the number of phases in Mitosis. What is 4?

14 Cell Cycle 2 DNA replicates during this stage of the cell cycle
What is interphase? jeopardy

15 Cell Cycle 3 In a plant cell, the cell wall forms between the two daughter cells in this phase of mitosis. What is telophase? jeopardy

16 Cell Cycle 4 The number of stages in the entire cell cycle. What is 6?

17 Organelles 1 The movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane.
What is osmosis? jeopardy

18 Organelles 2 These are two organelles found only in plant cells.
What are chloroplasts and cell wall? jeopardy

19 Organelles 3 Sorts and packages proteins and other molecules for transport out of the cell What is the golgi body? jeopardy

20 Organelles 4 Contain water and other materials and are used to store or transport small molecules. What are vacuoles? jeopardy

21 DJ Vocabulary 1 The three reasons cells divide.
What are GROWTH, REPAIR, and REPRODUCTION? Double Jeopardy

22 DJ Vocabulary 2 A change in the heredity information carried in a cell’s DNA What is a mutation? Double Jeopardy

23 DJ Vocabulary 3 Point at which two sister chromatids are joined.
What is the centromere? Double Jeopardy

24 DJ Vocabulary 4 Tightly coiled DNA What is a chromosome?
Double Jeopardy

25 Cell Cycle 1 What is telophase? Double Jeopardy

26 Cell Cycle 2 What is Metaphase? Double Jeopardy

27 Cell Cycle 3 What is Anaphase? Double Jeopardy

28 Cell Cycle 4 What is interphase? Double Jeopardy

29 Miscellaneous 1 Found inside the nucleus of the cell, these are the instructions that determine all the details of an organism’s life. What is DNA? Double Jeopardy

30 Miscellaneous 2 A mnemonic device to remember the stages of the cell cycle. What is “I Prefer Mice And Talking Cats”? Double Jeopardy

31 Miscellaneous 3 The phases of mitosis in order
What are prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase? Double Jeopardy

32 Miscellaneous 4 The ability to grow new cells to replace lost or damaged body components (limbs). What is regeneration? Double Jeopardy

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