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Extended Essay Othello Lessons 2 - 6

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1 Extended Essay Othello Lessons 2 - 6 out...ready to out...ready to learn... Extended Essay Othello Lessons 2 - 6 LQ: Can I analyse structure, form, language, themes and contexts in Othello?

2 Extended Essay Text 1: Othello
LQ: Can I analyse structure, form, language, themes and contexts in Othello? B4 Outstanding Progress: you will confidently explore through detailed and sophisticated critical analysis how writers use these aspects to create meaning B3 Excellent Progress: you will explore structure, form, language, themes and contexts, commenting on specific aspects with reference to how they shape meaning Extended Essay Text 1: Othello B2 Good Progress: you will show awareness of structure, form, language, themes and contexts, commenting on specific aspects with reference to how they shape meaning

3 Extended Essay Text 1: Othello
LQ: Do I understand the coursework requirements? Can I comment on aspects of context? The Big Picture Extended Essay Text 1: Othello

4 Extended Essay Text 1: Othello
Key words: Play, drama, genre, contexts, historical, social, cultural, race, religion, gender, Venice, Cyprus, attitude, audiences Dramatis Personae OTHELLO, the Moor, general of the Venetian forces DESDEMONA, his wife IAGO, ensign to Othello EMILIA, his wife, lady--in--waiting to Desdemona CASSIO, lieutenant to Othello THE DUKE OF VENICE BRABANTIO, Venetian Senator, father of Desdemona GRATIANO, nobleman of Venice, brother of Brabantio LODOVICO, nobleman of Venice, kinsman of Brabantio RODERIGO, rejected suitor of Desdemona BIANCA, mistress of Cassio MONTANO, a Cypriot official A Clown in service to Othello Senators, Sailors, Messengers, Officers, Gentlemen, Musicians, and Attendants Extended Essay Text 1: Othello LQ: Can I analyse structure, form, language, themes and contexts in Othello?

5 Extended Essay Text 1: Othello
Key words: Play, drama, genre, contexts, historical, social, cultural, race, religion, gender, Venice, Cyprus, attitude, audiences As we read Word tracing Image charting Extended Essay Text 1: Othello Walk the speech LQ: Can I analyse structure, form, language, themes and contexts in Othello?

6 Extended Essay Text 1: Othello
Key words: Play, drama, genre, contexts, historical, social, cultural, race, religion, gender, Venice, Cyprus, attitude, audiences Plenary Word tracing Image charting Extended Essay Text 1: Othello Walk the speech LQ: Can I analyse structure, form, language, themes and contexts in Othello?

7 Extended Essay Text 1: Othello
LQ: Can I analyse structure, form, language, themes and contexts in Othello? B4 Outstanding Progress: you will confidently explore through detailed and sophisticated critical analysis how writers use these aspects to create meaning B3 Excellent Progress: you will explore structure, form, language, themes and contexts, commenting on specific aspects with reference to how they shape meaning Extended Essay Text 1: Othello B2 Good Progress: you will show awareness of structure, form, language, themes and contexts, commenting on specific aspects with reference to how they shape meaning

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