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Chemical and Physical Properties of Materials Oct 23 / Act B14 Chemical and Physical Properties of Materials LEARNING TARGET:

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3 Chemical and Physical Properties of Materials
Oct 23 / Act B14 Chemical and Physical Properties of Materials LEARNING TARGET: I can collect chemical/physical property data of different materials and determine the ‘best’ material for a given product. CHALLENGE Q How do the properties of materials determine their uses? VOCAB: chemical properties physical properties reacts and new chemical made 5 physical senses

4 *show Obla-di song video – 3 mins
DISCUSSION Review the difference between physical and chemical properties. Physical – how it appears (looks) - Touchy feely; measurable; (5 senses); no chemical reaction Chemical – only by adding another chemical to see if a reaction occurs – a new substance would occur 2. List examples of physical properties: 3. List an example of a chemical property: see, hear, smell, touch, (taste) = physical senses *show Obla-di song video – 3 mins add chemical = reaction and new chemical made

5 Examples of physical properties:
Color – Does it resemble the color of something else? Hardness – How resistant to scratching is it relative to another substance? Luster – How is light reflected from the material? Shiny, dull, metallic, glassy, waxy, etc. Light transmission – Does light pass through the material? Texture – How does the material feel between the fingers? Gritty, smooth, rough, etc. Flexibility – Does the material bend with gentle pressure? An example of a chemical property: Reaction with hydrochloric acid – Does it react?


7 PROCEDURE AND DATA MATERIALS: PROCEDURE: Read on pg. B and summarize DATA: WS Testing Physical and Chemical Properties WS Selecting Materials for Products WS Chem/Phys Prperties

8 softer softer

9 POST DISSCUSSION: - How can we sort the materials?
ANALYSIS - Discuss and answer none ANS CH Q How do the properties of materials determine their uses? A: various answers depending on need HOMEWORK Complete WS 14.2 AND 14.3

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