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Exam 2 Review Section Themes: Organization

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Presentation on theme: "Exam 2 Review Section Themes: Organization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exam 2 Review Section Themes: Organization
Models/Theories of Org. Bureaucracy (Paramilitary model of police org.) Systems/Institutional Theories Performance Evaluation (one aspect of the numbers game) Informal Features – Subculture Innovation and Change in PDs Shift to COPS Legitimacy Obstacles to Change Operations Patrol Functions of Patrol Deterrence Effectiveness Investigations What are most investigations like? How is success measures? How effective are police investigations in solving crime?

2 Exam 2 Prep Readings to be covered:
Roberg et al., Chs. 4, 5 & 7 (Ch. 8 has been moved to section 3 of the semester) Brandl and Barlow: B&B (p. 326) Structural Change in Large Municipal Police Organizations During the Community Policing Era. (Maguire) B&B (p. 387) Militarizing Mayberry and Beyond: Making Sense of American Paramilitary Policing. (Kraska & Cubellis) B&B (p. 47) Policing the Ghetto Underclass: The Politics of Law and Law Enforcement. (Chambliss) B&B (p. 237) The Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment: A Summary Report. (Kelling, Pate, Dickman, & Brown) B&B (p. 256) Effects of Gun Seizures on Gun Violence: "Hot Spots" Patrol in Kansas City. (Sherman & Rogan) B&B (p. 275) The Criminal Investigation Process: A Summary Report. (Chaiken, Greenwood & Petersilia) B&B (p. 300) The Relationship Between Evidence, Detective Effort, and the Disposition of Burglary and Robbery Investigations. (Brandl & Frank) Skolnick and Fyfe: Chs. 6 & 7 will be covered (Chs 3 & 8 dropped) Format: 50% MC (30 +/- questions) 50% Essay (write 2 essays from a set of options) Essay Topics include: Military Model, Numbers Game, Organizational Design & Change, Patrol & Deterrence Reminders: Lecture Notes Online Bring a pen, pencil, and a calculator (no cell phone calculators will be permitted) I will be available for office hours next week

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