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SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 GET OUT STUFF FOR NOTES Population distribution notes Hw: unit 2 vocab due oct. 6 immigration paper due oct. 13 map quiz Monday read.

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Presentation on theme: "SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 GET OUT STUFF FOR NOTES Population distribution notes Hw: unit 2 vocab due oct. 6 immigration paper due oct. 13 map quiz Monday read."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 GET OUT STUFF FOR NOTES Population distribution notes Hw: unit 2 vocab due oct. 6 immigration paper due oct. 13 map quiz Monday read pgs in rub.

2 J Curve



5 Density vs distribution
Density tell us how many people live in an area Distribution tells how/where that population is concentrated even distribution clustered around one specific location random distribution Distribution is affected by factors of physical and human geography



8 Hans Rosling Videos World Population from past 200 years B4 Population growth shown with IKEA boxes with-ikea-boxes/

9 Arithmetic Density: Number of people divided by land area Pros? Cons?
A.k.a population density Pros? Cons?

10 Physiological Density: number of people divided by arable land
Pros? Cons?

11 Inferences?






17 Population Terms Crude Birth Rate: # of live births per 1000 people
Crude Death Rate: # of deaths per 1000 people Natural Increase Rate: rate of birth minus rate of death, excluding migration Total Fertility Rate: average # of children per woman Infant Mortality Rate: # of infants that die before age 1 per 1000 people


19 Which factors increase natural change and which ones decrease it?
CREATE A T-CHART IN YOUR NOTES Lack of birth control/family planning Famine War/Conflict Poor health care Traditional custom of large families Education about family planning Large portion of women in the workforce Pro-Natalist policies Societies that value a son



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