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Feasibility Study Emergency Relief WatSan -93

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1 Feasibility Study Emergency Relief WatSan -93
Study Modalities to Structure Dutch Water management & WASH Support Discussion 23 October 2012

2 Topics Preamble Explorative study / Letter House of representatives ToR, focus study Key issues Recommended modality & its tasks Activities Discussion 23 October 2012 Discussion study on modalities emergency relief Water & Sanitation - 93

3 Preamble Findings Jan Heeger in Haiti
NL Water assistance: ‘more of the same’ Unfulfilled need: repair urban water supply system  optimize use of Dutch Water & Sanitation expertise 23 October 2012 Discussion study on modalities emergency relief Water & Sanitation - 93

4 Explorative study / Letter 9-1-12 House of representatives
Gaps urban WASH Dutch water sector plays a minor role in emergency relief Letter : Emergency WASH can do better Dutch knowledge bundled and made available 23 October 2012 Discussion study on modalities emergency relief Water & Sanitation - 93

5 ToR & Focus study on modalities
Coordination surge support to emergency structures National coordination of emergency response and rehabilitation support Focus: support in terms of PERSONNEL only 23 October 2012 Discussion study on modalities emergency relief Water & Sanitation - 93

6 Key Issue 1: Demand Opportunities
23 October 2012 Discussion study on modalities emergency relief Water & Sanitation - 93

7 Key Issue 2: Enhance Motivation
Problem Solution Demand side Opportunity 1: little demand for urban wash & Dutch experts for surge support as they are unknown Supply side: Limited active offer of Dutch experts for emergency relief Disturbing factors: labour conditions & promotion company interests Generate demand for urban WASH & Dutch expertise by active lobbying at international organizations (Opportunity 1) Persuade Dutch WASH experts to participate in emergency relief on a PERSONAL BASIS (not through companies) 23 October 2012 Discussion study on modalities emergency relief Water & Sanitation - 93

8 Key Issue 3: Enhance financial capacity
Problem Solution Opportunity 1: competition between donors: WASH expertise surge support FOR FREE Opportunity 2: no MoFA financing ready Opportunity 3: no GoI financing ready Opportunity 4: ? Opportunity 1: Response International Appeal by MoFA includes WASH Expertise (5%) Opportunity 2: 5% ‘normal’ assistance for DRR, leverage like A4A Opportunity 3: CSR, NGOs Opportunity 4: paid by caller 23 October 2012 Discussion study on modalities emergency relief Water & Sanitation - 93

9 Enhance ‘mental’ capacity supply side
Problem Solution All experts need to be: Well-skilled Knowledgeable Experienced in relief work Capacity development 50 trained WASH generalists 250 informed WASH specialists Knowledge management Learning 23 October 2012 Discussion study on modalities emergency relief Water & Sanitation - 93

10 Recommended modality Use MoFA/HDPO for deployment Opportunity 1
Invite Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC) to scale up ‘Response Preparedness ’ Team up with Aqua For All (A4A) Nominate Full time joint NLRC/A4A “WASH Response Preparedness Coordinator” € 1 mln for 5 years Create demand at International Organizations for Opportunity 1 (20% time) Organize funding Opportunity 2/ WASH response for Opportunities 2, 3 & 4 (30% time) Build capacity (Dutch) WASH experts (40% time) Matchmaking / Organize deployment: Opportunity 1: through HDPO & NLRC (10% time) 23 October 2012 Discussion study on modalities emergency relief Water & Sanitation - 93

11 Activities Create task force / steering committee Secure funding
Recruit coordinator Contact International emergency structures Persuade, Contact, select & train Dutch experts, Database management Dissemination 23 October 2012 Discussion study on modalities emergency relief Water & Sanitation - 93

12 Discussion: Key Issues / Proposed modality / Proposed ‘home’
23 October 2012 Discussion study on modalities emergency relief Water & Sanitation - 93

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