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Ain’t no party like a “new” party cause a “new” party don’t stop.

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Presentation on theme: "Ain’t no party like a “new” party cause a “new” party don’t stop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ain’t no party like a “new” party cause a “new” party don’t stop.
New Parties Emerge! Ain’t no party like a “new” party cause a “new” party don’t stop.

2 What’s up with the Whigs?
In 1852, General Winfield Scott (Old Fuss and Feathers), was nominated to run for president by the Whig party. Northern and Southern Whigs were split over this, because Scott was mostly anti-slavery. Southern Whigs did not like his slavery position, so they didn’t really vote for him Franklin Pierce, the Democratic nominee, ends up winning the election of 1852.

3 Kansas-Nebraska Act kills the Whigs
Obviously the big issue in this act is slavery, and the Whigs had been divided over the issue between their Northern and Southern members This Act permanently splits the party This leads to a few new parties emerging, each trying to lure former Whigs and increase their numbers.

4 The American Party This party was based on nativism, the idea that “native” born Americans should be running America. They had secret handshakes and met in secret places. They instructed their members to say “I know nothing,” when reporters asked about their activity. This led to the American Party being known as the “Know- Nothing Party,” which is pretty lousy branding.


6 Why don’t we still have the “Know Nothing Party?”
Well, depending on who you ask……..nevermind. They too split over the issue of slavery and they never really made much of an impact.

7 Other Parties The Liberty Party had been a small party in the 1840’s who’s mission was to abolish slavery. They did win enough votes in 1844, though, to take away votes from Henry Clay and end up getting James Polk elected. So there’s that…

8 Free-Soil Party This party was not against slavery, per se, but they were against its expansion into the territories. They elected Martin Van Buren (member?) and got 0 electoral votes. They did, however, get 10% of the popular vote, sending the message that there were a growing amount of people against popular sovereignty.

9 More Free Soil Info They were mostly Northerners who didn’t want slavery to end, because they thought that free slaves would take away jobs from white workers. They are all about preventing slavery from expanding.

10 Enter the Republicans They officially form in Michigan in 1856.
They are made up of Northern Whigs, Fee Soilers, and antislavery Democrats. This is a pretty diverse group, but they all believed in preventing slavery from spreading in the territories.

11 Election of 1856 Republicans run John Fremont (he mapped the Oregon Trail!) Whigs nominate Millard Fillmore Democrats nominate James Buchanan Buchanan wins, because Fremont and Fillmore slit the antislavery vote.

12 Big takeaways…. Even though the Whigs ran a presidential candidate, they are pretty much done. So are the Know Nothings. The Republicans seem to have strong political power in the North. The Democrats seem to have strong political power in the South. Looks like a showdown is brewing………

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