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Safety & Risk Management Modules

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1 Safety & Risk Management Modules

2 13 4 million In the United States
Americans go to work and never return home every single day. 4 (It was 38 in 1970) million Suffer from work injuries every year.

3 15 seconds every Around the world
a worker dies from a work-related accident or disease Another 160 have a work-related accident

4 culture From Chernobyl to Challenger to Deep Water Horizon,
major incident investigations consistently point to culture as a key root cause.

5 So what can organizations do?
Our approach focuses on culture as a driver of both safety and business performance. The Denison Organizational Culture Survey measures the fundamental characteristics of an effective organizational system. The Safety Management Module measures how organizations support safe behaviors and work practices. The Risk Management Module measures how organizations detect and respond to risks.

6 Safety Management Module
Safety is lived out in actions … “Safety is the number one priority in everything we do.” Practices are real and helpful … “Employees contribute to the development of our safety practices.” Seamless boundaries … “People from different parts of the organization work together in a way that ensures their safety.” Speed of information and action … “All safety issues are reported quickly to leaders and managers.”

7 Risk Management Module
State of hyper- vigilance … “We continually look out for potential risks.” Speak up, ask, and listen … “Employees are comfortable speaking up about risks.” Deep analysis of risk … “We have a thorough process for deciding how to respond to potential risks.” On the same page about risk … “There is wide agreement about how much risk we are willing to take.”

8 Application of the modules
Administered in combination with the Organizational Culture Survey for a deeper perspective Better integration of “safety work” with business performance Focused actions for sustainable impact

9 THANK YOU 121 W. Washington, Suite 200
Ann Arbor, MI 48104 United States of America Freiestrasse 7, 8570 Weinfelden, Switzerland 36 Coquet Terrace Newcastle upon Tyne Heaton NE65LE England, United Kingdom +44 (0) Note: The Denison Model and all associated survey products and materials (the Safety and Risk Management Modules included), proprietary Information and all patents, patent rights, copyrights, trade secret rights, trademark rights and other rights (including, without limitation, intellectual property rights) anywhere in the world in connection therewith is and shall be the sole property of Denison Consulting.

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