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Presentation on theme: "Organizing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizing

2 Organization defined:
“To arrange activities so that they systematically contribute to goal accomplishment.”

3 Purpose of Organizing Dividing work Assigning tasks
Coordinating diverse organizational tasks Clustering jobs into units Establishing relationships Establishing formal lines of authority Allocating and deploying organizational resources

4 Work specialization/Division of Labor
Each worker has a specific task Each task is standardized Work is repetitive Work is broken into manageable steps

5 Departmentalization Coordination of tasks Methods of departmentalizing
By function By product By guest need By territory Or any combination of the above

6 Authority Comes with title and position Two-way obligation
Expectations Empowerment

7 Responsibility “rights” Obligation to perform Performance and outcome

8 Chain of command Outlines those with authority from the top down
BOD CEO Vice-president Clearly defined line of authority Everyone knows to whom they are to report

9 Span of Control Number of employees a supervisor can efficiently manage Factors Type of work Skill level of employee Level of training Technology available Leadership style Management experience

10 Empowerment Giving employees a degree of decision-making authority
Allows employees to be flexible when dealing with difficult situations that do not necessarily require management attention Increase in guest satisfaction

11 Centralization v. Decentralization
Decision-making authority lies with top management in a centralized structure Lower management and line authority employees play a role in the decision-making process in a decentralized structure Today’s companies are moving towards centralized structures for cost reasons

12 Mechanistic organizations
High specialization rigid departmentalization Narrow spans of control High formalization Limited information network centralized

13 Organic organization Low in complexity Low in formalization
Decentralized Division of labor of non-standardized jobs Require few rules Require little supervision

14 Contingency factors Organizational structure Size Technology
Degree of environmental uncertainty

15 Team-based structure TQM model Front line associates participate
Team makeup Coordination of effort Productivity issues

16 Matrix structure Assigns specialists from different departments to work on projects Pool knowledge Communication is key Decision-making tends to move quicker

17 Project structure Employee continuously works on projects
Move to another project once completed Members have specific knowledge

18 Independent Business Units (IBUs)
Small, independent businesses within a larger corporate structure Approval to implement strategies Assists with exposing employees to revenue and expense issues

19 Boundaryless organizations
No pre-defined structure Breakdown of external barriers Eliminates the chain of command Appropriate span of control Replace departments with empowered teams

20 Encouraging employee involvement
Teams Self-managed Productive Job rotation Job enlargement Job enrichment

21 Trends in Organizing Increased used of scheduling programs
Use of the Internet for recipe access Multitasking More decentralization

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