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Rancor The man’s rancor was evident as he haranged his neighbor about their long-standing property line dispute.

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Presentation on theme: "Rancor The man’s rancor was evident as he haranged his neighbor about their long-standing property line dispute."— Presentation transcript:

1 rancor The man’s rancor was evident as he haranged his neighbor about their long-standing property line dispute.

2 rancor Rancor characterized their relationship for years after their break-up.

3 rancor: noun definition:
bitterness or resentfulness, especially when long-standing

4 rancor pronunciation: ˈraNGkər

5 rancor related form: adjective rancorous

6 rancor synonyms: antipathy enmity bitterness acrimony spite hostility
hatred resentment animosity

7 rancor Unwilling to relinquish old family hostilities, Granny vented her rancor by splitting the ruler in two.

8 rancor Elmer Fudd’s long- standing rancor for Bugs Bunny is at the heart of many of their cartoons.

9 rancor Her rancor against teen drivers was exacerbated when a texting teen hit her car head on.

10 rancorous My cousin was rancorous for years after I played an April Fool’s joke on him.

11 rancorous After the divorce, the couple was not just angry at each other; they were rancorous.

12 rancorous A rancorous character, Raven from Teen Titans constantly battles her demonic heritage.

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