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Presentation on theme: "CULTURAL BASED ADAPTIVE WEB DESIGN FOR WELTEC"— Presentation transcript:


2 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION Weltec website expose Weltec to local and global markets The design of the website should accommodate users’ cultural preferences Weltec will loose a potential candidates if website design is not reflecting the cross-cultural usability

3 JUSTIFICATION Culturally adapted website results in greater ease of navigation and a more positive attitude towards the site Web site shows respect for the students’ cultures will increase institutions profits and opportunities.

4 RESEARCH APPROACH Literature Review cultural dimensions in web design
Data collection: Quantitative Survey among Students of Weltec Data analysis to find the value of cultural variables Evaluation of Weltec website and propose an approach for website cultural customization

5 Literature Review

6 Cultural Models David Victor Edward T Hall Fons Trompenaars
Language Environment & Technology Social Organization Contexting Authority Conception Non Verbal Behaviour Temporal Conception Edward T Hall Speed of messages Context Space Time Information flow Action Chains Fons Trompenaars Universalism Vs Particularism Neutral or Emotional Individualism Vs Collectivism Specific vs Diffuse Achievement Vs Ascription Environment Greet Hofstede Power Distance Masculinity vs Femininity Uncertainty Avoidance Time Orientation

7 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions

8 Power Distance Power distance (PD) refers to the extent to which less powerful members expect and accept unequal power distribution within a culture.

9 Individualism vs. Collectivism
Individualism in cultures implies everyone is expected to look after one's self. Collectivism implies that people are integrated from birth into groups.

10 Masculinity vs. Femininity
Masculinity and femininity refer to gender roles, not physical characteristics.

11 Uncertainty Avoidance
People vary in the extent that they feel anxiety about unknown matters.

12 Long- vs. Short-Term Time Orientation
Long term orientation stands for the fostering of virtues oriented towards future rewards and Short term orientation related to the past

13 Data Collection

14 Result of Survey

15 Score Index for five dimensions
Power Distance LOW Masculinity Collectivism HIGH Uncertainty Avoidance Short Time Orientation

16 Evaluation of Weltec Website

17 Low Power Distance in weltec website
Components of Cultural Factors Identified in Weltec Website Less structured access to information YES Less focus on authority Shallow hierarchies Photos of students Images of public spaces & everyday activities NO

18 No Public Images in Home page of website

19 Low Masculinity in Weltec website
Components of Cultural Factors Identified in Weltec Website Vivid colours NO Presence of Female themed images

20 No Female theme pictures

21 High Uncertainty Avoidance in Weltec Website
Components of Cultural Factors Identified in Weltec Website Simple, Clear, Prominent & limited choices YES Navigation Stated with strict rules Presence of Site Map NO Messages, Contents & visuals with direct meanings Presence of Search engine and Institutional Calendar

22 High Uncertainty Avoidance

23 No clear description about course

24 No direct meaning

25 High Collectivism For Weltec Website
Components of Cultural Factors Identified in Weltec Website Images of Group learning activities NO Images of Group Achievements Images of Institutional Success YES

26 No Group Success Images or stories

27 No Group learning activities images

28 Short Term Orientation in Weltec Website
Components of Cultural Factors Identified in Weltec Website Daily routine indicators of University NO Allow students to complete task quickly YES Daily Activities or current events of Weltec Presence of goals of weltec in webpage

29 Short Term : Goal of weltec

30 Current events or daily activities

31 Conclusion The Weltec website interface is not completely Asian culture oriented Weltec website designed according to Cultural factors will increase usability and attract more students to weltec. If Weltec want to do more international business, then Weltec should consider culturability to achieve more desirable outcomes.

32 FUTURE WORK Identify new cultural dimensions for Wen design.
Develop a new cultural-based adaptive Web design framework for Weltec and Whiteria.



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