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Presentation on theme: "Inventions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inventions

2 "An invention is ..." Work in pairs.
Give/Find 1 definition of ‘invention’. You may use dictionaries on the net. Oxford Dictionaries Online Merriam-Webster Dictionary

3 Definitions "Invention is the creation of a new device, process, or product“. The Discovery School site "an original device or process”. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary

4 Top 20th Century Inventions
As a class, students will choose the most important inventions of the 20th century. Partners will research important facts about the greatest invention that had an impact on people's lives.

5 Top Inventions Which invention has really changed the way people live?
Which ones would be the most difficult to live without? Which inventions have had the greatest impact on most people around the world?

6 My PERSONAL POSTER Choose one of the inventions that has just been discussed in class. Create a poster which shows how this invention has had an INFLUENCE on YOUR life/lives. Send it to your teacher on the Ulpana’s Forum . Make sure the invention was invented during the 1900s – 2000. Add the following details: • the name of THE INVENTION and INVENTOR the DATE or year it was invented  • A PICTURE /pictures of IT A PICTURE/S of YOURSELVES (not mandatory) a very short description HOW IT INFLUENCES YOUR LIFE (in a couple of/few sentences) • State which field the invention belongs to (communication, medicine, transportation, games, education, houseware …)

7 Top Inventions – Writing Task
Write an essay. Think of an invention that will make life better / easier and write about it. State this in your opening sentence. Describe your invention: give your invention a name state what it looks like state how it works state who can use it state how it will improve people's lives. Write your essay in a Word document and send it to my at Good luck

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