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Email Etiquette.

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Presentation on theme: "Email Etiquette."— Presentation transcript:

1 Etiquette

2 Why is Email Etiquette Important?
We interact more and more with the written word all the time Without immediate feedback from the reader, it’s easy to be misunderstood is still a formal correspondence

3 The Basics Think twice about whether or not the content of your is appropriate for virtual correspondence - once you hit Send, anyone might be able to read it Respond to s within the same time span you would a phone call Use a professional font, not decorative Don’t use stationery


5 Subject You need to give a subject.
The subject should give your reader an idea of the content of the Should be appropriate, because anyone can look at the subject, even if the recipient chooses not to open the message For example: Confidential: Sale numbers for October When changing the subject, start a new message

6 Responding Respond in the same time frame you would respond with a phone call Be conscious of responding to the sender or Reply to all Do not overuse Reply to all Be conscious of your recipient Don’t expect an immediate response


8 Tone Write in a positive tone
When I complete the assignment versus If I complete the assignment Avoid using negative words Words that begin with “un, non, or ex” or end with “less” Use smiles , winks ;-) and other graphical symbols only when appropriate Use contractions to add a friendly tone Use please and thank you

9 Address Remember that an is basically a letter. Open by addressing the recipient. Use the person’s name you are sending to. This makes them feel like it is a personal message and not just a general . If sending to multiple recipients, open with “Good Afternoon,” or “Hello,” etc. Don’t leave off an opening. Know the difference between CC (Carbon Copy) and BCC (Blind Carbon Copy). Use BCC when you don’t want the other recipients to know who you are sending the to.

10 Content Check your grammar and spelling
Use proper structure and layout Be efficient s that get to the point are much more effective Address all the questions or concerns to avoid delays Read the before you send it Try to keep the brief (one screen length)

11 Content Don’ts Use sarcasm or rude jokes
Plz Don’t Abbrvt - omg ne1 w/brain noz that n txt msging r 2 difrent things    txting is 4 persnl coms n is 4 biz   we r rotf over the use of txt msging 4 Respond if you are upset. Take some time to cool off and consider appropriate response. Attach unnecessary files Use CAPITALS Leave out the message thread

12 Attachments When you are sending attachments, include in the the filename, and what it contains. Consider sending files in portable document format (pdf) to ensure compatibility Remember to attach the file!

13 Signature Identify yourself Keep it short
Include your phone number if you think it is necessary Ensure a quote or tagline is appropriate for everyone to see Ex: Amber Miller Instructor II/AE Specialist, Staff Development (512)

14 What’s in a Name? What does your email address say about you?
Should be appropriate to the audience Consider a second address for professional use Consider your first initial and last name Which is more professional?

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