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Y9 science revision.

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1 Y9 science revision

2 Topic check list Respiration Photosynthesis/plants as food
Rock cycle/rocks and weathering Environmental chemistry/using chemistry Energy & electricity Speeding up Pressure & moments Gravity & space project

3 resources There are links to useful revision resources on VLE.
Log onto mypershore and select science folder/KS3/Y9revision. These can be accessed at home via the internet. Don’t forget BBC Bitesize KS3 science – but remember the topics are not exactly the same as on the KS3 syllabus

4 The content you need to learn/revise
Key words & ideas

5 Energy for life Respiration – all living things need energy. This is the process where energy is released by cells and used for all the cells reactions (metabolism) e.g. growth, movement Word equation for aerobic respiration – needs oxygen Word equation for anaerobic respiration – does not use oxygen

6 Round & round The lungs absorb oxygen/remove carbon dioxide from the blood. This is called gas exchange. The circulation system transports materials to/from the cells in the blood. This includes supplying cells with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide.

7 A light reaction What do plants need to make food?
This can be summarised in a word equation Light is the energy for this process Leaves are adapted to carry out photosynthesis Roots absorb water & minerals from the soil Don’t forget plants respire too Plants are the basis of the food chain

8 Using chemistry Types of soil
Acid rain – how to measure using pH scale Air pollution also causes global warming Burning fuels/combustion Common materials are made by chemical reactions

9 Rocky business Types of rock and how they are formed Sedimentary
Igneous Metamorphic What are rocks made of – grains or crystals? Properties of rocks affect their uses as building materials

10 Rock on Weathering can be Physical – heat, freeze/thaw
Chemical – usually rainwater Biological – plant roots Sediments can be transported by wind or water and deposited. These are major forces in land formation.

11 Energy & electricity Energy in action
Heat, light, sound, electrical, kinetic/movement Stored energy – potential energy Chemical, gravitational, strain, nuclear Units = Joule Energy changes from one form to another and is shown in a diagram

12 Energy & electricity Voltage(v) - ‘pushes’ electrons around the circuit Energy can be stored and transported in cells/batteries Electricity in the home is generated in power stations and supplied via the National Grid

13 Gravity & space Gravity: Causes weight – the force on an object (N)
Acts down but is different on different planets Gravity also changes with distance It affects all objects including the planets Our current model of the solar system is different from earlier ideas.

14 Need for speed Speed = distance divided by time Units = m/s or km/h
Different forces can act on an object Friction/drag = air or water resistance Gravity Acceleration = change in speed

15 Under pressure The force on a certain area Units = Newtons per square centimetre or per square meter (1N/m2 = 1 Pa) Pressure in water increases with depth Pressure in air decreases with altitude/hight Hydraulic systems are based on transmitting pressure through liquids Pneumatic systems have air under pressure e.g. tyres

16 Moments The turning effect of a force It is calculated using moment = force x distance from pivot The units are Nm Pivot is the point around which something turns Lever is a simple machine to alter the size of a force Equilibrium = balance; the clockwise moment = anticlockwise moment

17 Use & application of knowledge
Using the information in the question; working it out on the day Use & application of knowledge

18 Can you? Finish off a graph – by adding points/trend line
Read information from a graph Describe trend in a graph Pick out data in a table Work out simple sum Use the formulae for pressure, speed, moments?

19 investigations What is a fair test? What are variables?
What can you do to make data more reliable?

20 Good luck

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