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IEEE JTC1 Ad Hoc Mid-Week Status May 2008

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1 IEEE 802.11 JTC1 Ad Hoc Mid-Week Status May 2008
January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2008 IEEE JTC1 Ad Hoc Mid-Week Status May 2008 Date: Authors: Jesse Walker, Intel Corporation Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

2 January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2008 Abstract This presentation reports the Mid-Week status for the IEEE JTC1 Ad Hoc at the May Meeting Jesse Walker, Intel Corporation Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

3 January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2008 May Meeting Status At the Geneva JTC1/SC6 Meeting China requested that some way is found to amend to incorporate WAPI IEEE 802 Liaison proposed a face-to-face meeting to search for common ground Proposed dates: last week of June Proposed place: Shanghai or Macao What’s new Apparent willingness to directly engage IEEE 802 Jesse Walker, Intel Corporation Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

4 May Meeting Objectives
January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2008 May Meeting Objectives Identify Options If Ad Hoc believes IEEE should support the proposed meeting, plan for meeting If Ad Hoc believes some other action is required, initiate process Entertain motions asking the WG/ExCom/SA to endorse recommendations from the Ad Hoc Jesse Walker, Intel Corporation Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

5 January 2005 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 May 2008 Straw polls Straw Poll: Would an invitation letter for China’s JCT1/SC6/WG1 representatives to participate at to create a WAPI amendment be useful? Yes: 4 No: 0 Abstain: 1 Straw Poll: Would a motion be useful to empower the IEEE 802 liaison to JTC1/SC6/WG1 to meet with China’s JTC1/SC6/WG1 representatives to explain the IEEE SA process and set expectations about how a WAPI amendment might be created within this process? Straw Poll: Yes: No: Abstain: Jesse Walker, Intel Corporation Dorothy Stanley, Agere Systems

6 Session Status Goals for Meeting with China:
May 2008 Session Status Goals for Meeting with China: Explain IEEE amendment development process Set expectations: IEEE-SA rules govern process; no special process Invite China to attend and participate in development of a WAPI amendment Invite Jim Carlo, Roger Marks, some participant from China, others to participate in meeting with China Actions for Ad Hoc session 16:00-18:00 Wednesday 1-2 slide to give context, explain what “set expectations and explain process” means Call for participation Draft Invitation letter Draft motion to instruct IEEE chair to issue invitation letter to key members of China’s delegation Draft motion to empower liaison to participate in Meeting Jesse Walker, Intel Corporation

7 May 2008 Backup Jesse Walker, Intel Corporation

8 May 2008 Expectations Conformance to policy and procedures of IEEE-SA, IEEE 802, IEEE Develop an amendment incorporating components of WAPI WPI appears within scope of the IEEE standard Portions of WAI do not appear to be within scope of the IEEE standard Will not include material beyond scope as normative text Probable that text will be broken up and published by different groups in different standards Must create a PAR and 5 Criteria to authorize the process Subject to approval of membership, 802 ExCom, … All amendments need active participation from interested parties to improve chance for success Draft text evolves to meet concerns of voters Every comment must be addressed LOA required if there is a possibility of essential patents Jesse Walker, Intel Corporation

9 Want a WAPI Tutorial in WNG for July
May 2008 Want a WAPI Tutorial in WNG for July Need to acknowledge, however, that parts of WAPI are out of scope: this would give their cause a boost Jesse Walker, Intel Corporation

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