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laud – verb Definition: to praise; to applaud

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Presentation on theme: "laud – verb Definition: to praise; to applaud"— Presentation transcript:

1 laud – verb Definition: to praise; to applaud
Example: After our championship win, the coach lauded our efforts.

2 belabor - verb Definition: To go over repeatedly; to assail verbally
Example: Students sometimes feel that teachers belabor bullying information.

3 Reiterate - verb Definition: To say again; to repeat
Example: I understood it the first time; there is no need to reiterate the information to me.

4 Conflagration - noun Definition: A large, destructive fire.
Example: The conflagration caused many to flee their homes due to severe smoke and heat.

5 genre - noun Definition: Class or category (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, mystery, etc.)

6 Affixes: Prefix: extra Definition: outside, beyond
Example: extracurricular, extraterrestrial Suffix: -ology Definition: any science or branch of knowledge Example: biology, geology

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