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Heroism The Hobbit Pages 237-266.

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Presentation on theme: "Heroism The Hobbit Pages 237-266."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heroism The Hobbit Pages

2 For your consideration
“There were holes in the wall through which they could see (or shoot).” (238) What literary technique is this? What is meant to be contrasted? What is most likely? Why?

3 Song of Dwarves The song of the dwarves on pages has changed to reflect the death of Smaug and entrance of Thorin and the dwarves. What is the motivation of the dwarves? Tolkien uses the pride of the dwarves and separation from other races to take a shot at nationalistic pride (WWI).

4 Thematic Drivers Thorin’s desire to recover the dwarven power of the past blinds him to his present circumstances. The Lake men and the elves want their payment for having lent their help. Both reaching for the past and reaching forth out of greed can only lead to bad consequences.

5 Rhetoric Fight Analyze the speeches of Thorin and Bard.
What kinds of rhetoric do both of them use? Which of them is more successful and why? Why does Bilbo fall more on the side of Bard? What does this reveal about Bilbo?

6 For your consideration
Bilbo definitely takes advantage of Bombur’s laziness to escape, but there is also a bit of situational irony at work here. Why are none of the other dwarves around to prevent this? There is also some situational irony at work (again) in Bilbo’s bold action. Why is it ironic that the elves call Bilbo “the dwarves’ hobbit” at the moment they do so? (246)

7 Bilbo, Bard, and Thranduil
Not only is Bilbo at home in this company of three, but he actually runs the entire meeting and has all of the control, both because of the Arkenstone and his arguments. Again, Tolkien makes the point that people are capable of growth, often defying expectations.

8 The Arkenstone and the Ring
Bilbo is not greedy by nature This is why he can give up the Arkenstone This is also a foreshadowing of why he can later give up the Ring

9 Gandalf! Because the readers know of Gandalf’s return and awareness of Bilbo’s plot, his revelation to Thorin and the dwarves is an instance of dramatic irony. He also seems to know that Thorin may yet be redeemable. “But things may change yet.” (252)

10 For your consideration
How does Tolkien use imagery and metonymy to clarify his tone concerning the might of the dwarves of Dain?

11 True Evil Comes Because true evil is so unmistakeable and terrible, once it makes its appearance, there is no more question of fighting over gold. In a sense, evil has, once again, helped contribute to its own defeat.

12 Different Kinds of Heroes
It is clear that Bilbo and Gandalf and Bard and the Elvenking and Dain all have heroic moments. How is Thorin heroic, especially now? Is he a true tragic hero?

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