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Heroes What makes a hero?.

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Presentation on theme: "Heroes What makes a hero?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heroes What makes a hero?

2 Brainstorm! Who are some heroes? Brainstorm as many heroes as you can for 2 minutes and then we will share out.

3 Brainstorm continued What makes these people heroes?
Write down as many heroic qualities that you can think of.

4 What makes a hero? A hero has some kind of special quality that makes them different from others Rey is able to use the force and Luke’s light saber The Flash can run faster than anybody else Daenerys Targaryen can walk through fire and hatched dragon eggs Sherlock Holmes is a genius detective Storm can harness the power of the weather

5 What makes a hero? Heroes want to do good (even if they are reluctant)
Superman wants to save people and often the whole world Black Widow fights for her government and to save people Katniss wants to help her family and, in the end, the whole of Panem Often, heroes have loss that motivate them to do good. Batman lost his parents Superman lost his planet Harry Potter lost his parents Barry Allen (the Flash) lost his mother and his father went to prison Luke Skywalker lost his parents and his aunt and uncle

6 What makes a hero? Heroes fight evil
For classic heroes, they actively fight against a tangible evil character Batman fights the Joker (who just wants to see the world burn) Katniss fights President Snow Sam and Dean fight demons, ghosts, and lots of other baddies Thor fights Loki

7 What makes a hero? Heroes are selfless
Their motivations are for others, not for self gain Captain America was willing to die for his country (and not for gain) Mulan sacrifices herself for her father by taking his place in the army Frodo Baggins believes he will die in his quest to destroy the ring Wonder Woman is trying to forge alliances with the outside world to save her people (the Amazons)

8 What makes a Hero? Heroes face conflict, rather than run from it (bravery) Harry Potter faces Voldemort Simba goes home to reclaim his title, despite running away as a kid Paramedics run towards an explosion, while everyone else runs away Ron Weasley faces the Achromantula, despite being terrified

9 Create a character as a class
As a class, we will create a character that fits all of these characteristics. Different from others Wants to do good (and has a reason to) Fights evil Selfless Faces conflict

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