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Biology JEOPARDY click here to PLAY.

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Presentation on theme: "Biology JEOPARDY click here to PLAY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology JEOPARDY click here to PLAY

2 Scientists Multiple Choice Transcription & Translation
DNA Genes & Chromosomes Scientists Multiple Choice DNA Replication Transcription & Translation $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Go to Double Jeopardy Replay End Round Go to Final Jeopardy

3 How many strands is DNA? next

4 2 $100

5 What are the four nitrogen bases that make up DNA?

6 Adenine, Guanine, Cytocine & Thymine

7 What type of bond holds the nitrogen bases together?

8 Hydrogen $300

9 Who earned the Nobel Prize for determining the double helix structure of DNA?

10 Watson & Crick $400

11 How many bases make up the human genome?

12 Three billion $500

13 What is a gene? next

14 Section of DNA that codes for a trait

15 Where do you find genes? next

16 On chromosomes $200

17 How many chromosomes do humans have?

18 23 Pairs $300

19 How many genes do humans have?

20 Approximately 20,000 – 30,000 $400

21 Genes contain instructions to make which macromolecule?

22 Proteins $500

23 Which scientist was nicknamed “Father of Genetics?
Mendel or Griffith next

24 Mendel $100

25 Which scientist took X-ray pictures of DNA?
Franklin or Avery next

26 Franklin $200

27 Which scientist injected mice with pneumonia?
Chargaff or Griffith next

28 Griffith $300

29 Which scientist determined rules for base pairing?
Chargaff or Levene next

30 Chargaff $400

31 Which scientist(s) determined that genetic material is composed of DNA and NOT protein?
Hershey & Chase or Avery next

32 Avery $500

33 What are the three parts of a nucleotide?

34 Sugar, Phosphate and Base

35 The sides of the DNA molecule are made up of what two parts?

36 Sugar (Deoxyribose) and Phosphate

37 Why does DNA need to be replicated?

38 We make more cells and need DNA for those cells

39 What enzyme is responsible for adding DNA nucleotides to the unwound DNA chain?

40 DNA Polymerase $400

41 What enzyme breaks the hydrogen bonds between the bases in this process?

42 Helicase $500

43 What is the goal of transcription?

44 To copy DNA – make mRNA $100

45 Why must mRNA be made during transcription?

46 DNA cannot leave the nucleus – protect the genetic code

47 What is the goal of translation?

48 To make proteins – putting amino acids together

49 Define codon and anticodon

50 Anticodon: 3 letter code on tRNA molecule
Codon: 3 letter code on mRNA molecule $400

51 Use the mRNA codon table to determine the amino acids for the following set of bases:

52 Methonine / Start Codon
Serine Stop Codon $500

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