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Chapter 23 - Corporate Restructuring: Combinations and Divestitures

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1 Chapter 23 - Corporate Restructuring: Combinations and Divestitures
Ó 2005, Pearson Prentice Hall

2 Corporate Restructuring
1960s - Mergers of unrelated firms formed huge conglomerates. 1980s - Investors purchased conglomerates and sold off the pieces as independent companies. 1990s - Strategic mergers of related firms to create synergies.

3 Possible Benefits of Mergers
Economies of Scale ex: reduce administrative expenses as a percentage of sales. Tax Benefits ex: target firm has tax credits from operating losses, and lacks the income to use the credits. Unused Debt Potential ex: merging with a firm that has little debt increases debt capacity.

4 Possible Benefits of Mergers
Complementarity in Financial Slack ex: a cash-poor firm merging with a cash-rich firm will be able to accept more positive NPV projects. Removal of Ineffective Managers ex: ineffective target firm managers may be replaced, increasing the value of the target firm.

5 Possible Benefits of Mergers
Increased Market Power ex: merging might increase monopoly power, but too much might be illegal. Reduction in Bankruptcy Costs ex: merger might improve financial condition of the combined firm, reducing direct and indirect costs of financial distress.

6 Determination of Firm Value
1) Book value: assets minus liabilities on the balance sheet. Book value is based on historical cost minus accumulated depreciation. 2) Appraisal value: firm value is estimated by an independent appraiser. This estimate is often based on the firm’s replacement cost.

7 Determination of Firm Value
3) Chop-shop or Break-up value: determines if multi-industry firms would be worth more if separated into their parts. Firms are valued by their business segments.

8 Determination of Firm Value
4) Free Cash Flow or “Going Concern” value steps: Estimate the target firm’s free cash flows. Estimate the target firm’s after-tax risk-adjusted discount rate. Calculate the present value of the target firm’s free cash flows. Estimate the initial outflow of the acquisition. Calculate the NPV of the acquisition.

9 Divestitures Divestiture - Eliminating a division or subsidiary that does not fit strategically with the rest of the company.

10 Divestitures Sell-off: selling a firm’s subsidiary or division to another company. Spin-off: separating a subsidiary from its parent company, with no change in equity ownership. The parent firm no longer has control over the subsidiary.

11 Divestitures Liquidation: Selling assets to another company and distributing the proceeds from the sale to shareholders. Going Private: A group of private investors buys all of a firm’s publicly-traded stock. The firm is now private, and its shares are no longer traded in the secondary market.

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