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Warm Up 10 4/16 What is ecological succession?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up 10 4/16 What is ecological succession?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up 10 4/16 What is ecological succession?
Does this picture show primary or secondary succession? What is an example of secondary succession? Pioneer species or Climax community? 4. Stable group of plants and animals 5. First species to populate an area

2 5.1 How Populations Grow

3 CA State Standard Students know how fluctuations in population size in an ecosystem are determined by the relative rates of birth, immigration, emigration, and death.

4 3 Characteristics of Population
Geographic distribution Density Growth rate Exponential Growth Logistic Growth

5 Geographic Distribution
area inhabited by a population range can vary few cubic centimeters to square kilometers


7 Population Density # of individuals per unit area
EX: 15 squirrels at UCLA Campus

8 Growth Rate Population can increase or decrease Caused by: # of births
# of deaths # of individuals that enter or leave population (immigration & emigration)

9 Growth Rate Birthrate > death rate = increase
Death rate > birthrate = decrease Immigration & Emigration

10 Exponential Growth When a population reproduces at a constant rate
Unlimited resources Bacteria reproduce every 20 minutes! Thats 4,720,000,000,000,000,000,000 in one day!! Use J-Shape graph

11 Logistic Growth Growth slows or stops following period of exponential growth Resource becomes limited S shape graph Eventually reach carrying capacity- largest # of individuals population can hold

12 1. When the birthrate of a population exceeds its death rate, the population
A. decreases. B. increases. C. stays the same. increases then decreases.

13 2. An S-shaped curve on a graph of population growth is characteristic of
A. exponential growth. B. logistic growth. C. carrying capacity. D. delayed growth.

14 3. What are the 2 ways population can decrease?
Immigration and emigration Increased death rate and immigration Decreased birthrate and emigration Emigration and increased birthrate

15 3. What is the largest number of individuals an environment can support called?
A. Emigration B. Immigration C. Logistic Growth D. Carrying Capacity

16 # of individuals in an unit area
a. Geographic Distribution b. Population Density c. Growth Rate d. Distribution Range

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