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Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Transit

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Presentation on theme: "Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Transit"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Transit
Urban Roundtable September 30, 2010

2 Marianne Freed, Administrator Office of Transit
Welcome and Introductions Marianne Freed, Administrator Office of Transit

3 Agenda Urban Transit Program Transit Projects in Ellis
FY 2012 – 2015 STIP/TIP Process CMAQ Eligibility Process Flex Funds Transfers Unified Planning Work Program

4 Agenda Federal Update Clean and Green Program
ODOT Vehicle Term Contracts Standard Contract Changes Department of Labor Questions & Answers Open Discussion

5 Urban Transit Program FY 2011 Allocations
Juana Hostin – Urban Transit Program Coordinator

6 Urban Transit Program Outstanding items: Capital and operating budgets
Audits Schedule C STIP amendments due by Oct. 1 TEAM grants for GRF recipients Traffic Monitoring System report

7 Ellis Transit projects in Ellis: - Flexible funds transfers
- Toll Revenue Credit - Capital discretionary

8 Ellis - ARRA-funded - Earmarks - TRAC-funded - STIP FY 2012 – 2015

9 Ellis – Overview

10 Ellis - Funding

11 Ellis - Phase

12 Ellis – Funding Event

13 STIP Shyna Gawell – ODOT STIP Coordinator STIP Development Schedule

14 STIP What is different for the FY 2012 – 2015 cycle?
- Transit projects programmed in Ellis - Transit projects run from an Ellis report - Table consistent with highway projects - Rural transit projects in MPO areas - Adhere to a quarterly schedule for amendments

15 STIP Administrative Modifications:
1) Project description without significant change to the project scope 2) Revise the funding within 20 percent of the cost for transit projects 3) Change the source of funds (state to federal or type of federal funds

16 STIP Administrative Modifications cont. 4) Change in lead agency
5) Split or combine individual projects 6) Change funding type for statewide line items 7) Move an illustrative project

17 STIP An Administrative Modification
1) Does not affect air quality conformity 2) Does not impact fiscal constraint

18 STIP Full STIP amendments required for:
Revisions of more than 20% of the project cost Completely new projects

19 STIP Send TIP amendment using form to:
- Include approved resolution

20 STIP Table Specifics Differences between previous table and current table Relationship to Ellis

21 CMAQ Eligibility Dave Moore – MPO Program Manager Overview
Consistent with federal regulations Quantitative Emission Reduction Analysis Project Types Funding Practice Eligibility Process

22 CMAQ Documentation PID Number Project Name
Project Description and Scope Project Location Sponsoring Agency CMAQ cost estimate

23 CMAQ - Documentation 7. Project phases STIP/TIP Status
Narrative of project’s consistency with eligibility criteria

24 Flex Fund Transfers Between FHWA and FTA Initiated by MPO or ODOT
Transit systems may request the use of flex funds for eligible projects CMAQ or STP funds CMAQ requires eligibility determination Transfer must take place before contract can be issued

25 Flex Fund Transfers 1. PID Number
Submit Request to Program in Ellis form to Office of Transit 2. CMAQ Eligibility (CMAQ funds only) Submit to Office of Systems Planning & Programming 3. STIP Submit TIP amendment to Office of Transit

26 Flex Fund Transfers 4. FTA Grant Number 5. Request to Transfer Funds
- Contact FTA and enter grant into TEAM 5. Request to Transfer Funds - Submit Request to Transfer Flexible Funds to Office of Transit

27 Unified Planning Work Program
Federal Regulation Definition Required Elements Budget Administrative Requirements

28 Unified Planning Work Program
FINAL RULE – Wednesday, February 14, 2007 Vol. 72 No. 30 Statewide Transportation Planning; Metropolitan Transportation Planning; Federal Highway Administration 23 CFR Parts 450 and 500 Federal Transit Administration 49 CFR Part 613

29 Unified Planning Work Program
This final rule revises the regulations governing the development of metropolitan transportation plans and programs for urbanized areas, State transportation plans and programs and the regulations for Congestion Management Systems. Effective March 16, 2007

30 Unified Planning Work Program
Unified planning work program (UPWP) means a statement of work identifying the planning priorities and activities to be carried out within a metropolitan planning area.

31 Unified Planning Work Program
Each MPO, in cooperation with the State(s) and public transportation operator(s), shall develop a UPWP that includes a discussion of the planning priorities facing the MPA.

32 Unified Planning Work Program
Work proposed for one- or two- year period List by major activity and task Sufficient detail to indicate Who will perform the work Schedule for completing work Resulting products Proposed funding by activity/task

33 Federal Update Vanessa Adams

34 Clean and Green Program
Applications received Projects selected and announced PID numbers created CMAQ eligibility approved STIP amendment submitted C&G Program entered in TEAM Transfer requested and completed

35 Clean and Green Program
8. Contracts issued 9. Submit invoices for reimbursement 10. Monitor progress and submit QPRs 11. Project closeout

36 State Term Contracts Currently available for all vehicles smaller than a 30 foot bus Exception is the standard minivan

37 Standard Contract Changes
Ohio Elections Law Prohibition regarding offshore services Coming soon: FFATA

38 Department of Labor Issues - no boilerplate letter available
- different certifications for capital and operating - overlapping service areas - use of outdated certifications New Contact at DOL: Denise Diminuco - (202)

39 Questions

40 Open Discussion

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