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Anatomy Jeopardy Tom Gest, PhD Division of Anatomical Sciences University of Michigan Medical School Autonomic Review with.

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomy Jeopardy Tom Gest, PhD Division of Anatomical Sciences University of Michigan Medical School Autonomic Review with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomy Jeopardy Tom Gest, PhD Division of Anatomical Sciences University of Michigan Medical School
Autonomic Review with

2 Keep a record of each player’s points.
Origins Pathways Ganglia CNS/PNS Targets 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Keep a record of each player’s points.

3 Otherwise known as the origin of the sympathetic nervous system.
Origins 100 Points Otherwise known as the origin of the sympathetic nervous system.

4 What is the thoracolumbar outflow?
Origins 100 Points What is the thoracolumbar outflow?

5 Origin of pelvic splanchnic nerves.
Origins 200 Points Origin of pelvic splanchnic nerves.

6 What is the lateral horn of spinal cord levels S2-4?
Origins 200 Points What is the lateral horn of spinal cord levels S2-4?

7 Origins 300 Points Cranial nerves that distribute parasympathetic fibers to ganglia in the head.

8 What are cranial nerves III, VII, and IX?
Origins 300 Points What are cranial nerves III, VII, and IX?

9 Origin of the lesser thoracic splanchnic nerve.
Origins 400 Points Origin of the lesser thoracic splanchnic nerve.

10 What is the lateral horn of spinal cord levels T10-11?
Origins 400 Points What is the lateral horn of spinal cord levels T10-11?

11 Source of parasympathetics to the thoracic viscera.
Origins 500 Points Source of parasympathetics to the thoracic viscera.

12 What are the vagus nerves?
Origins 500 Points What are the vagus nerves?

13 Source of fibers that form the cervical sympathetic trunk.
Pathways 100 Points Source of fibers that form the cervical sympathetic trunk.

14 What are spinal cord levels T1-T4?
Pathways 100 Points What are spinal cord levels T1-T4?

15 Spinal nerve root that carries presynaptic autonomic fibers.
Pathways 200 Points Spinal nerve root that carries presynaptic autonomic fibers.

16 What is the ventral root?
Pathways 200 Points What is the ventral root?

17 Pathways 300 Points Connection between the ventral primary ramus and sympathetic chain only found in thoracic and upper lumbar levels.

18 What is a white ramus communicans?
Pathways 300 Points What is a white ramus communicans?

19 Source of most sympathetic fibers to the heart.
Pathways 400 Points Source of most sympathetic fibers to the heart.

20 What are cervical cardiac branches?
Pathways 400 Points What are cervical cardiac branches?

21 Connections to ventral primary rami containing unmyelinated fibers.
Pathways 500 Points Connections to ventral primary rami containing unmyelinated fibers.

22 What are gray rami communicantes?
Pathways 500 Points What are gray rami communicantes?

23 Greater thoracic splanchnic nerves go here to synapse.
Ganglia 100 Points Greater thoracic splanchnic nerves go here to synapse.

24 What are the celiac ganglia?
Ganglia 100 Points What are the celiac ganglia?

25 Inferior end of the sympathetic chains.
Ganglia 200 Points Inferior end of the sympathetic chains.

26 What is the ganglion impar?
Ganglia 200 Points What is the ganglion impar?

27 Ganglia where no synapses happen.
Ganglia 300 Points Ganglia where no synapses happen.

28 What are sensory ganglia?
Ganglia 300 Points What are sensory ganglia?

29 Four pairs of autonomic ganglia in the head.
Ganglia 400 Points Four pairs of autonomic ganglia in the head.

30 What are the ciliary, pterygopalatine, submandibular and otic ganglia?
Ganglia 400 Points What are the ciliary, pterygopalatine, submandibular and otic ganglia?

31 Four types of preaortic ganglia?
Ganglia 500 Points Four types of preaortic ganglia?

32 Ganglia 500 Points What are the celiac, superior mesenteric, aorticorenal, and inferior mesenteric ganglia?

33 CNS/PNS 100 Points Axons arising in this horn of the spinal cord follow presynaptic autonomics to the spinal nerve.

34 What is the ventral horn?
CNS/PNS 100 Points What is the ventral horn?

35 CNS/PNS 200 Points These trunks form as a thoracic autonomic plexus passes into the abdomen.

36 What are the vagal trunks?
CNS/PNS 200 Points What are the vagal trunks?

37 This ramus may carry both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers.
CNS/PNS 300 Points This ramus may carry both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers.

38 What is a ventral primary ramus?
CNS/PNS 300 Points What is a ventral primary ramus?

39 These rami connect the sympathetic chain ganglia.
CNS/PNS 400 Points These rami connect the sympathetic chain ganglia.

40 What are interganglionic rami?
CNS/PNS 400 Points What are interganglionic rami?

41 CNS/PNS 500 Points Vertebral level where the presynaptic neuron of the pelvic splanchnics lie.

42 CNS/PNS 500 Points What is L1?

43 Primary target of sympathetics.
Targets 100 Points Primary target of sympathetics.

44 What is vascular smooth muscle?
Targets 100 Points What is vascular smooth muscle?

45 Smooth muscle of organ walls.
Targets 200 Points Smooth muscle of organ walls.

46 What is the primary target of parasympathetics?
Targets 200 Points What is the primary target of parasympathetics?

47 Only tissue innervated by preganglionic autonomic fibers.
Targets 300 Points Only tissue innervated by preganglionic autonomic fibers.

48 What is the suprarenal medulla?
Targets 300 Points What is the suprarenal medulla?

49 Only sympathetic target innervated by acetylcholine.
Targets 400 Points Only sympathetic target innervated by acetylcholine.

50 Targets 400 Points What are sweat glands?

51 Asthma drugs mimic the action of these fibers.
Targets 500 Points Asthma drugs mimic the action of these fibers.

52 What are sympathetic fibers?
Targets 500 Points What are sympathetic fibers?

53 Good luck on your final exam

54 The Daily Double

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