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Common Assessment II Study Guide.

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1 Common Assessment II Study Guide

2 Arduous Adj. Very difficult

3 Rectitude Noun Correctness
EX: One must have moral rectitude to serve as a youth pastor.

4 Prevalent Adj. Widespread Frequent

5 Obliterate Verb Erase or destroy

6 Avarice Noun Greed

7 Melancholy Noun/Adj. Sad, gloomy

8 Stagnant Adj. Not flowing or moving EX: Stagnant water
EX: Stagnant economy

9 The age of reason/the Revolutionary Period
Deist Beliefs Miracles DO NOT happen God has not selected a CHOSEN people Jesus was a teacher/healer but not the son of God Prayer should consist of thanking God (Deists do not ask for favors) There is no Trinity as believed by Christians (Father/Son/Holy Ghost)

10 The Age of Reason/The Revolutionary Period
TEXTS Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin “The Crisis” by Thomas Paine The Declaration of Independence “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine

11 American Romanticism Intuition (gut feeling) and feeling were valued over reason Youthful innocence was valued over educated sophistication Exotic locations, the supernatural, and the imagination were all elements found in American Romantic works

12 Dark Romantics Edgar Allen Poe Washington Irving
Examined dark areas of humanity like greed, vanity and guilt.

13 Transcendentalism Everything in the physical world, including people, is a reflection of God, or the Divine Soul. The physical world is a doorway to the spiritual world. People can use intuition to see God in nature and in their own souls. Feeling and intuition are superior to reason and intellect.

14 Common Assessment II Catch Phrase
The person in the “hot seat” will get 2 chances to guess the word displayed behind them. 2 points—The team members use nonverbal clues communicate the word (no pointing at letters/words…etc.) 1 point—The team members use verbal clues to communicate the word (no pointing at letters/words…etc.)

15 Transcendentalism

16 Prevalent

17 Arduous

18 American Romanticism

19 Deist/Deism

20 Melancholy

21 Rectitude

22 Dark Romantics

23 Avarice

24 Obliterate

25 Stagnant

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