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CSI RE-ENACTMENT By, Ryanne, and Ava.

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Presentation on theme: "CSI RE-ENACTMENT By, Ryanne, and Ava."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSI RE-ENACTMENT By, Ryanne, and Ava

2 Aitken Suspect? We think Mrs. Aitken is a suspect and this is our reasons why…….

3 Aitken Buys Cyanide In the search warrant from Mrs. Aitken proves that she bought cyanide prior to the party. In the autopsy report there was signs of cyanide in her system.

4 Adams And Aitken It was proven by the search warrant that Mrs. Adams, and Mrs. Aitken were ing each other prior to the party, and using harsh language.

5 What time? Mrs. Shneider said she had arrived at 6:45.
Mrs. Aitken said she arrived at 6:50. Mr. Ruhland said he arrived at 7:00 and said he was the second one there. Mr. Armstrong said he got there at 7:05 and he said that Ruhland, Johnson, and Shneider were already, but Aitken was not.

6 Aitken “Gifts” Mrs. Aitken brought special spices and tea as a gift for Mrs. Adams to try. Prediction- Cyanide in one of the gifts. Mrs. Aitken tried really hard to get Mrs. Adams to try the things she brought for Adams.

7 After After everyone left the party, Mrs. Adams realized she didn’t eat during the party and wanted some food. Mrs. Adams made a plate of fries with the spices on top, and with ice tea on the side. She then decided that she wasn’t hungry and left it on the counter.

8 After After Assumption – Mrs. Irthum went into the kitchen to get something to eat and saw the prepared food and ate it. Mrs. Adams heard shuffling around 1:00 am. Assumption - Mrs. Irthum dropped the plate and fell, hit her head on the counter causing head injuries and died.

9 Aitken Did It! The End

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