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Vocabulary Week6.

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1 Vocabulary Week6

2 Circle Map Definition Term Examples/Synonyms Non-Examples Antonyms
Frame Of Reference Characteristics/ Drawing Definition Term Non-Examples Antonyms Examples/Synonyms

3 Mnemonic Devices A system of making something easier to memorize. Ms. Gelston’s classes came up with mnemonic devices for some of our other words. Benevolent- a doer of good Benevolent  Be-not-violent Morose- gloomy Morose Someone who dies gets more roses

4 Mnemonic Devices More Exemplars: Attire-dress Customers dress casually at tire shops. Rampant- Wild I ran, pants down. Depict- represented Dee picked a flag shirt to wear on the 4th of July. After we go thru today’s words I want to see what you can come up with It doesn’t have to have the exact word in it, but close in pronunciation.

5 Crucible Vain Theocracy Heathen Abomination Vindictive Formidable Arbitrate

6 Their friendship was created out of the crucible of the foster care system. Crucible noun a situation of severe trial

7 John tried to convince his father he didn’t let the cattle out of the barn, but his attempt was in vain. Vain adj. producing no result; useless

8 The crusaders fought hard to overthrow the government and replace it with a theocracy. theocracy noun system of government in which religion rules

9 Christians believe that you should still praise God amongst heathens and non-believers. Heathen noun a person who does not belong to the dominant religion

10 Although once common, torture is now considered an abomination within the U.S. Abomination noun a thing that causes disgust or hatred

11 vindictive adj. Having a desire to seek revenge
The boss was vindictive and always punished employees that complained to his supervisor. vindictive adj. Having a desire to seek revenge

12 formidable adj. Inspiring fear or respect by being powerful
His opponent was formidable and that's why he never let down his guard. formidable adj. Inspiring fear or respect by being powerful

13 The newlywed couple had to get a counselor to arbitrate their marital disagreements. Arbitrate verb. To reach a settlement

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