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Lesson 4 apocryphal catharsis crepuscular efficacious estrange

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 4 apocryphal catharsis crepuscular efficacious estrange"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 4 apocryphal catharsis crepuscular efficacious estrange
Internecine intrinsic inundate kudos maxim putrid revere risible servile sybaritic vacillate

2 efficacious Effective; producing the desired outcome
Syn: productive, useful Ant: ineffective

3 catharsis A release of emotional tension Syn: purgation

4 inundate To overwhelm; to fill beyond capacity Syn: flood; overwhelm

5 revere To regard with respect, awe, or adoration
Syn: venerate; respect; honor Ant: revile

6 internecine Mutually destructive Ant: constructive; beneficial

7 risible Relating to laughter; laughable Syn: comical; jocular; jocund
Ant: grave; solemn

8 sybaritic Marked by luxury or pleasure
Syn: luxurious; ostentatious; grandiose Ant: modest; simple; plain

9 crepuscular Pertaining to twilight
The species of trout has crepuscular feeding habits, so you’ll catch the most at daybreak or sunset.

10 Kudos Acclaim or praise Syn: honor; distinction
Ant: disapproval; rejection Note: always takes a singular verb

11 estrange To alienate Syn: disaffect; antagonize Ant: unite; endear

12 intrinsic Of or relating to a thing’s basic nature, inherent
Syn: basic; elemental; inborn Ant: extrinsic

13 maxim An established principle; a truth or a rule of conduct
Syn: axiom; apothegm, proverb

14 putrid Rotten and foul smelling Syn: fetid; rancid; malodorous
Ant: aromatic; fragrant

15 servile Submissive; slavish Syn: subservient; ignoble
Ant: haughty; domineering

16 apocryphal Of questionable authenticity, but widely believed
Syn: dubious; equivocal; spurious Ant: genuine; authentic

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