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Calico Joe.

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1 Calico Joe

2 Summary Paul's father is dying
Warren was a drunk and abused Paul and his mother Warren was a low end pitcher that pitched for the New York Mets Joe Castle, the greatest rookie ever Warren was the last pitcher Joe would ever bat against Paul makes Warren do the right thing

3 Family Abuse Types of abuse Cause of family abuse
Affects on the people who have been abused

4 Types of Abuse Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse Emotional Abuse
Financial Abuse Neglect

5 Physical Abuse pushing or shoving hitting, slapping or kicking
pinching or punching strangling or choking stabbing or cutting shooting throwing objects at someone killing someone

6 Sexual Abuse •Sexual touching or sexual activity without consent
•Continued sexual contact when asked to stop •Forcing someone to commit unsafe or humiliating sexual acts

7 Emotional Abuse •Threats, put downs, name calling or insults
•Constant yelling or criticism •Controlling or keeping someone from seeing friends or family •Making fun of preventing someone from practicing their faith or religion •Destroying belongings, hurting pets or threatening to do so •Bullying: intimidation or humiliation (including on the Internet)

8 Financial Abuse •Taking someone's money or property without permission
•Withholding or limiting money to control someone •Pressuring someone to sign documents •Forcing someone to sell things or change a will

9 Neglect •Not providing proper food or warm clothing
•Failing to provide adequate health care, medication and personal hygiene (if needed) •Failing to prevent physical harm •Failing to ensure proper supervision (if needed)

10 Cause of Family Abuse The need to control or dominate
Traditional Beliefs The cycle repeats itself Alcohol/Drug abuse

11 Long Term Affects on the People Who Have Been Abused

12 Connections From my Research to my Novel
Characters Conflict Plot

13 Characters People respond differently to abuse
Paul doesn’t like his father but is still trying to make him apart of his life His sister doesn’t want anything to do with him

14 Theme The main theme of the novel is forgiveness

15 Conflict Those who abuse in the family may also abuse people outside of the family being in control is essential for the abuser Wanting two completely different things

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