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Guided Local Search – CP Meets OR

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1 Guided Local Search – CP Meets OR
Edward Tsang CP-AI-OR ’02 Constraint Satisfaction and Optimisation Group, University of Essex Guided Local Search – CP meets OR Guided Local Search is a meta-heuristic search method for optimisation. It was generalised from GENET, a neural network approach for constraint satisfaction. Guided local search has been successfully applied to a wide range of problems. In this talk, I shall explain the principles of Guided Local Search, and its latest development, which results in it being relatively insensitive to search parameters. I shall also explain its relationship with other general optimisation methods in both Operations Research and Constraint Programming.

2 Summary: GLS, CP+OR Lagrangian: continuous Penalty-based Methods
From OR DLM for SAT: discrete opt. Tabu Search Simulated Annealing Meta-heuristics methods Soft Taboo Aspiration NN (AI) for satisfiability GLS for optimisation Genetic Algorithms Changing GA behaviour Hill Climbing e.g. 2-Opt in TSP Changing HC behaviour Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

3 Stochastic methods, Motivation
Complete methods suffer from combinatorial explosion Many problems require optimisation Suitable for partial constraint satisfaction problems may return near solutions or near optimal solutions Requirement: spend as much time as one please Stochastic methods satisfy the needs (E.g.: HC, SA, Tabu Search, GA, NN, GLS) Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

4 Background: Local Search
Ingredients: Cost function Neighbourhood function Strategy for visiting neighbours e.g. steepest ascent Problems: local optimum Plateau When to stop? Ok with satisfiability But not optimization local max. global max. Cost function plateau neighbourhood Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

5 GENET: Neural Network for Constraint Satisfaction
Build inhibitory connections Let the network converge to solutions Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

6 GLS Overview GLS for optimization Metaheuristic method: Strategy:
Generalization of GENET, from satisfiability to optimization Metaheuristic method: To sit on local search methods To help them to escape local optima Strategy: At local optimum, change the objective function Make local optima non-optima, then continue with local search Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

7 GLS: Augmented Cost Function
Identifying solution features, e.g. Edges used associate costs and penalties to features Given cost function g to minimize Augmented Cost Function h(s) = g(s) + l × S (pi × Ii(s)) l is parameter to GLS Ii(s) = 1 if s exhibits feature i; 0 otherwise pi is penalty for feature i, initialized to 0 Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

8 The GLS Algorithm Iterative local search In a local minimum
Ii(s*) = 1 if s* exhibits feature i; 0 otherwise ci = cost of feature i Iterative local search In a local minimum Select Features Maximize utility Increase penalties (strengthen constraints) Resume Local Search from Local Minimum pi = penalty of feature I (init. to 0) Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

9 GLS on TSP Local search: 2-opting l = a  g(t* ) / N
Features: n2 Features cost = distance given e.g. tour [1,5,3,4,6,2] GLS on TSP Local search: 2-opting l = a  g(t* ) / N a = parameter to tune, within (0, 1] t* = first local minimum produced by local search; g(t*) = cost of t* N = # of cities Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

10 Components in GLS Local search strategy Features, costs
Also needed in HC, SA, Tabu Search Features, costs Sometimes come naturally from cost function Main parameter: l Experimental results sometimes sensitive to l Our practice: l = a  g(first local optimum) Question: how to tune a (l -coefficient)? Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

11 GLS + Aspiration Aspiration: if G(s) is better than best so far, then move to s even if H(s) is inferior Work for MaxSAT and QAP but not SAT Result generally improved at high l value G: Original Cost Function H: Augmented Cost Function Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

12 GLS + Randomness With probability Pr make random move
Results improved in QAP at low l value No effect on GLS  SAT / MAX SAT Randomness: when is it useful? Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

13 GLS + Aspiration + Randomness
Result: performance is less sensitive to l value Aspiration should become a standard feature of GLS Randomness sometimes helps Where/when will they succeed? Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

14 Some GLS Applications Radio Length Frequency Assignment
BT’s work force scheduling Quadratic assignment SAT / MAXSAT Vehicle Routing Logic Programming (Melbourne, Singapore, Hong Kong) Train scheduling (King’s College, London) Bus scheduling (Leeds) Bin Packing (University of Copenhagen) Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

15 Meta-heuristic Methods
Tabu Search GLS Simulated Annealing DLM Penalty-based methods Genetic Algorithms Changing hill climbing behaviour mainly to escape local optima Hill Climbing e.g. 2-Opt in TSP Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

16 GLS & Tabu Search TS is a class of algorithms
Various ways to manipulate Taboo List GLS is a more specific algorithm Penalties in GLS are Soft Taboos Taboos are normally hard constraints in TS GLS borrowed taboo list from TS GLS+ borrowed aspiration idea from TS Hybrid GLS+TS used in ILOG Dispatcher Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

17 GLS & Filled Function Method
Augmented function to minimize, h’ = h + f Minimize (augmented) function h Local minimum x* At local minimum, add filled function f (penalty) Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

18 Lagrangian Method For continuous constrained optimization
Minimize f(x) subject to gi(x) = 0 Lagrangian function: F(x, ) = f(x) + i = 1, n i gi(x) Where Lagrange multipliers i are introduced Vary x in order to minimize F Escape local minimum by varying  Saddle point: F cannot be decreased by varying x, nor increased by varying  Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

19 DLM in SAT Lagrangian methods for discrete optimization
many detailed adjustments needed e.g. re-define gradients, reducing , etc. In general, no guarantee to settle in global optimal DLM: define Lagrangian function for SAT: F(x, ) = i = 1, n (1+i ) Ui(x) Indicator of whether clause i is satisfied by x: Ui(x) In SAT, global minimum can be recognized This is exploited by DLM (So could Tabu Search and GLS) Source: Shang & Wah Journal of Global Optimization, 12, 1998, 61-99 Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

20 GLS & Genetic Algorithms
GGA results? GLS results Performance ( better) Guided Genetic Algorithm Hybrid GLS - GA Aims: To extend the domain of GLS To improve efficiency & effectiveness of GAs To improve robustness of GLS Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

21 Using GLS Penalties in GGA
When penalty of feature F increased to k +k Add k to relevant loci 1 3 2 Fitness Template Affect: Crossover Mutation 1 Chromosome High value in fitness template  instability Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

22 Summary: GLS, CP+OR Lagrangian: continuous Penalty-based Methods
From OR DLM for SAT: discrete opt. Tabu Search Simulated Annealing Meta-heuristics methods Soft Taboo Aspiration NN (AI) for satisfiability GLS for optimisation Genetic Algorithms Changing GA behaviour Hill Climbing e.g. 2-Opt in TSP Changing HC behaviour Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

23 Funded by: University of Essex, EPSRC
The End ZDC GLS  SAT, MAXSAT, QAP Edward Tsang, Chang Wang, Jim Doran, James Borrett Andrew Davenport, Kangming Zhu, Chris Voudouris, Tung Leng Lau, John Ford, Patrick Mills, Richard Bradwell Funded by: University of Essex, EPSRC Friday, 18 January 2019 GLS: CP Meets OR

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