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Voice of the People Kitchen Table Conversations Information and Training Session Mark Spain Bit about me… Gungahlin Monday 1 June 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Voice of the People Kitchen Table Conversations Information and Training Session Mark Spain Bit about me… Gungahlin Monday 1 June 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Voice of the People Kitchen Table Conversations Information and Training Session Mark Spain
Bit about me… Gungahlin Monday 1 June 2015

2 Agenda Welcome and Introductions Collaborating Groups
Vision and Objectives Method: ‘Kitchen Table Conversations’ (KTC) Experience with KTC The Host Pack explained Feedback and questions Kit distribution and close

3 Welcome and Introductions
Everyone turn to a person who is sitting around you that you don’t know, and share with them: Your Name What interested you in coming along tonight 3

4 Collaborating Groups ACT Council Of Social Services (ACTCOSS): Susan Helyar March Australia Fair Go for Canberra 4

5 Vision and Objectives The purpose of these Kitchen Table Conversations is to: empower people to make things better help ourselves, and our leaders, to discover new directions for the Australian society, economy and environment 5

6 Vision and Objectives The objectives we seek are:
Enriched conversations about the future that respect differences of opinion and values Simple and effective activities that encourage people to participate in our democracy and our future A diversity of voices and opinion in our discussions - everyone can join in A society where people’s voices are heard, respected and represented Action arising from these conversations 6

7 Method: (KTC) Diagram based on Uniting Church Table Talks – Affordable Housing 7

8 Method: (KTC) 1. You agree to host two Kitchen Table Conversations
2. You invite 6-10 people in your community to join you for the conversations (and organise a scribe) 3. You host the conversation and record the discussions 4. You provide the scribed report to the Coordinating Group and they upload it onto a web page 5. You, and your group, start to work on actions that you and your group identify 6. You, and your group, attend a reflection event 8

9 Method: (KTC) Question for first conversation:
What is important to you? OR 2. What are the issues for our future around community connectedness? Question for second conversation: What needs to change? 9

10 Experience with KTC Voices of the People in Kitchen Table Conversations Report Hear from people involved in the last round of KTC 10

11 The Host Pack explained
Page 1 explains tonight Pages 2 and 3 provide an overview of the KTC process along with timing Page 4 explains the conversations and ground rules Pages 5, 6 and 7 provide information for hosts Page 7 has a draft invitation that hosts can use Page 8 provides information for scribes Page 9 provides a table to list the participants 11

12 Feedback and questions
????? 12

13 Kit distribution and close
If you would like to host a KTC, please take a host kit with you tonight. You can also download a copy from: ENJOY!!! 13

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