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Spectral Clustering Eric Xing Lecture 8, August 13, 2010

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1 Spectral Clustering Eric Xing Lecture 8, August 13, 2010
Machine Learning Spectral Clustering Eric Xing Lecture 8, August 13, 2010 Eric Xing © Eric CMU, Reading:

2 Data Clustering Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

3 Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

4 Data Clustering Two different criteria Connectivity Compactness
Compactness, e.g., k-means, mixture models Connectivity, e.g., spectral clustering Connectivity Compactness Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

5 Spectral Clustering Data Similarities Eric Xing
© Eric CMU,

6 Weighted Graph Partitioning
Wij i j Some graph terminology Objects (e.g., pixels, data points) iÎ I = vertices of graph G Edges (ij) = pixel pairs with Wij > 0 Similarity matrix W = [ Wij ] Degree di = SjÎG Wij dA = SiÎA di degree of A G Assoc(A,B) = SiÎA SjÎB Wij i A B Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

7 Cuts in a Graph (edge) cut = set of edges whose removal makes a graph disconnected weight of a cut: cut( A, B ) = SiÎA SjÎB Wij=Assoc(A,B) Normalized Cut criteria: minimum cut(A,Ā) More generally: Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

8 Graph-based Clustering
Data Grouping Image sigmentation Affinity matrix: Degree matrix: Laplacian matrix: (bipartite) partition vector: Wij i j G = {V,E} Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

9 Affinity Function Affinities grow as s grows 
How the choice of s value affects the results? What would be the optimal choice for s? Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

10 Clustering via Optimizing Normalized Cut
The normalized cut: Computing an optimal normalized cut over all possible y (i.e., partition) is NP hard Transform Ncut equation to a matrix form (Shi & Malik 2000): Still an NP hard problem Subject to: Rayleigh quotient Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

11 Relaxation Instead, relax into the continuous domain by solving generalized eigenvalue system: Which gives: Note that so, the first eigenvector is y0=1 with eigenvalue 0. The second smallest eigenvector is the real valued solution to this problem!! Rayleigh quotient Subject to: Rayleigh quotient theorem Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

12 Algorithm Define a similarity function between 2 nodes. i.e.:
Compute affinity matrix (W) and degree matrix (D). Solve Do singular value decomposition (SVD) of the graph Laplacian Use the eigenvector with the second smallest eigenvalue, , to bipartition the graph. For each threshold k, Ak={i | yi among k largest element of y*} Bk={i | yi among n-k smallest element of y*} Compute Ncut(Ak,Bk) Output Þ Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

13 Ideally … y2i i A y2i i A Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

14 Example (Xing et al, 2001) Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

15 Poor features can lead to poor outcome (Xing et al 2001)
Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

16 Cluster vs. Block matrix
Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

17 Compare to Minimum cut Criterion for partition: A Problem! B Cuts with
Weight of cut is directly proportional to the number of edges in the cut. B Ideal Cut Cuts with lesser weight than the ideal cut First proposed by Wu and Leahy Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

18 Superior Performance? K-means and Gaussian mixture methods are biased toward convex clusters Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

19 Ncut is superior in certain cases
Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

20 Why? Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

21 General Spectral Clustering
Data Similarities Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

22 Representation Partition matrix X: Pair-wise similarity matrix W:
Degree matrix D: Laplacian matrix L: segments pixels Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

23 A Spectral Clustering Algorithm Ng, Jordan, and Weiss 2003
Given a set of points S={s1,…sn} Form the affinity matrix Define diagonal matrix Dii= Sk aik Form the matrix Stack the k largest eigenvectors of L to for the columns of the new matrix X: Renormalize each of X’s rows to have unit length and get new matrix Y. Cluster rows of Y as points in R k Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

24 SC vs Kmeans Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

25 Why it works? K-means in the spectrum space ! Eric Xing
© Eric CMU,

26 Eigenvectors and blocks
Block matrices have block eigenvectors: Near-block matrices have near-block eigenvectors: 1= 2 2= 2 3= 0 4= 0 1 .71 .71 eigensolver 1= 2.02 2= 2.02 3= -0.02 4= -0.02 1 .2 -.2 .71 .69 .14 -.14 .69 .71 eigensolver Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

27 Spectral Space Can put items into blocks by eigenvectors:
Clusters clear regardless of row ordering: e1 1 .2 -.2 .71 .69 .14 -.14 .69 .71 e2 e1 e2 e1 1 .2 -.2 .71 .14 .69 .69 -.14 .71 e2 Eric Xing © Eric CMU, e1 e2

28 More formally … Recall generalized Ncut
Minimizing this is equivalent to spectral clustering segments pixels Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

29 Spectral Clustering Algorithms that cluster points using eigenvectors of matrices derived from the data Obtain data representation in the low-dimensional space that can be easily clustered Variety of methods that use the eigenvectors differently (we have seen an example) Empirically very successful Authors disagree: Which eigenvectors to use How to derive clusters from these eigenvectors Two general methods Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

30 Method #1 Partition using only one eigenvector at a time
Use procedure recursively Example: Image Segmentation Uses 2nd (smallest) eigenvector to define optimal cut Recursively generates two clusters with each cut Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

31 Method #2 Use k eigenvectors (k chosen by user)
Directly compute k-way partitioning Experimentally has been seen to be “better” Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

32 Images from Matthew Brand (TR-2002-42)
Toy examples Images from Matthew Brand (TR ) Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

33 User’s Prerogative Choice of k, the number of clusters
Choice of scaling factor Realistically, search over and pick value that gives the tightest clusters Choice of clustering method: k-way or recursive bipartite Kernel affinity matrix Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

34 Conclusions Good news: Bad news:
Simple and powerful methods to segment images. Flexible and easy to apply to other clustering problems. Bad news: High memory requirements (use sparse matrices). Very dependant on the scale factor for a specific problem. Eric Xing © Eric CMU,

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